Christmas? [screened from Skuld]

Dec 27, 2008 13:44

All these thank you I understand why random things have been appearing in the room. To my secret admirer--Thanks a lot, really, but I've got a girl as a roomie, you know. A goddess even. It's a good thing she didn't see the paddle, cuffs, leather collar and lube you left on top of my bed. At least, I don't think she did. Augh. Just so you know though, I already have a boyfriend. Sorry. But thanks for the lube, man.

These porn mags...they're from Goku? What are you...Don't get me wrong, they're sweet, but girls shouldn't give guys stuff like this, stupid monkey.

Erm...right. So, you know, I don't really celebrate this...Christmas my sorries to those who were expecting gifts from me, yeah.

matt, goku, christmas

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