Apr 25, 2006 11:58
How Hollow
to silence...
How hollow is a man
that does not weep
how much in purgatory
his soul has slipped
How hollow is the child
that does not see happiness
all but once a year
happy birthday poor lost soul
How hollow are it's thoughts
the serial killer that sat
in the silent jail cell
holding shame on his name
How hollow is this land
all but filled with pine boxes
the resting place of death
yet remaining alive on stone
How hollow the sorrow
filling everyone but the numb
shocked and damaged by the sight
of a poor mangled mother
How hollow their lives now
the end of the loss
which cannot be replaced
to be forever
Misguided, Mistaken Progeny
Children of Situation
Perusing ideals of salvation
Yet having no true grasp
Of what it means to believe
A higher essence fabricated through sheer will
Kneeling, blessing, to get their fill
Without a rooted spiritual growth
Faith is blown away with the storm
Outcries, wails of treason
Because they are the ones
That fell from their own idea
Creating now a man-made evil
Their resolve to commit
And a collective, renewed valor
Has again rallied their trust
In the only peace they knew
However far from genuine,
Their beliefs have grown
Still, they gain constitution
In the blissfully imagined outcome
Pious People, Martyrs
Are now Icons of nations
Now disagreeing on principles
As a generation is raped by situation