Mar 21, 2006 00:08
ok, i'm in love. i have been for a really really really long time (about 3 years) but haven't been able to express it well enough because i felt rejected at one point, but we've cleared that up, and now i'm feeling better than ever. it wasn't rejection so much as it was fear and apprehension. i would've been the girl's first boyfriend ever, and she feels such a strong connection with me that she knows we would have an extremely serious relationship. she doesn't want that yet apparently... but i'm hoping she comes around. if not, i can wait because she's really worth it. she's just that special. i've only talked to one person about this really, and that's my friend josh. he knows who it is, BUT... i'm not telling anyone else who it is unless it actually works out. which i'm really hoping it does. i've posted about her before... but that was in a very complicated time which we both regret a whole hell of a lot... and i want to help her get over that. this girl is amazing. she's so cute, she's so funny, she's so smart, and we've had some really insightful conversations together. we have so much in common it's scary, and i pretty much know it'll work out. we've discussed it and we both agree that we're eventually going to end up together. it's pretty much impossible for it not to happen.