So Not Fair

Jun 03, 2008 18:07

Title: So Not Fair
Pairing: Shirosaki/Ichigo
Rating: R (for safety)
Warning: Innuendo, humor, possible OOC, slight AU, yaoi/shounen ai
Summary: Ichigo proves Shirosaki wrong about whether or not something is sexy...
A/N: This is another fic dedicated to my friend
bloody0whispers for her birthday tomorrow. I felt bad that the other one didn't have an actual ShiroIchi pairing, so this one is to make up for it. :) Even though she liked the other fic just fine. :p This is kinda short, though. oo;

Shiro blinked as he watched Ichigo. He had to was way hot to watch the boy do this. It made Shirosaki give a soft growl.

Ichigo apparently heard it if the smirk on his face was any indication. Little tease. He knew Shiro was loving every minute of this. That would teach Shiro to underestimate a virgin.

“H-hey, be careful there. Ya got a little drippin down yer chin...” Shiro said, watching the small little white trail make it's way down.

“You say that like it bothers you...” Ichigo said, pulling back from his treat and slowly sliding his tongue out to lick slightly at the trail, though it wasn't in time to stop it from getting to the rest of his chin.

Shiro grinned. “Mmm...I wanna lick it off ya.”

“Well, too bad.” Ichigo said, leaning down while keeping his eyes on Shiro as he gave a soft lick to the object in question.

“Dude...” Shiro said, licking his lips as he watched, shifting a little bit in his seat.

“Mm?” Ichigo asked, giving a long, slow lick.

“Okay, I give! Vanilla can be sexy, too!” Shiro cried, knowing he wouldn't be able to keep from jumping the orange-haired teen.

“Ha. Yer an even bigger chocolate-lover than me, but even I know vanilla's sexy.” Ichigo said, taking a big bite of his ice cream and wiping off the rest of the trail that had slid down his chin earlier.

Shiro just simply sulked. He hated being proven wrong. Especially when there was no nookie in it for him later! It was so not fair!


bleach, ichigo, shirosaki, fanfiction

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