Aug 13, 2005 21:35
Let`s see, yesterday basically just cleaned up the house & what not. Then at about 5:30 mollo came & picked me up, then we picked up Kris & went to Queen Alex Hall. What a small place, anyways, we get there & see Katt, Kirsten, Adriene & Jenna. Yeah, so we chill for a while & then we got in & paid & such. Walked to the 7-11 & on the way I saw ryan so I yelled ryan & hugged him. Watched uhm..the first band..What were they called...langley? yeah, then Hundread Acre Wood, they`re real good & then we just basically hung outside with Alex, Jen, Ryan & these two other girls that knew Ryan. Uhm, yeah. It was pretty great. Ryan ended up just walking away out of no where into the bushes & just sat down on this stump thingy & I went up to him, I was like "what`s wrong?" "they keep making fun of me & the grass makes me itchy & I`m really tired" "aww." & I kissed his cheek. I was standing up & he put his head against my stomach & we just sorta stood/sat there & then Alex threw a branch at us & yelled like "sex" or something, uhm yeah no. Yeah. Didn`t really watch TSE at all, but whatever. Then Nick, Mikey, Becky, Katt & I went over to the bleachers & hung out for a while & there was this police car & it started flashing it`s lights so we left & talked to "the danny" he`s cool. Then katt`s mom came & picked us up. Oh yeah, Jyss`ca also proposed to me & then Katt married us. It was pretty much amazing & Jyss`ca pants`d Stevey. Yeah. He doesn`t wear underwear. w00t. Yeah, then I got home at 12:30 ish & went on the computer till about 3. Woke up at 12:00 today, went to whyte, bought 2 13 & v shirts & a belt buckle. Then our family went to my Nonna`s grave. On her gravestone thinger it has this picture of two hands praying with two roses underneath it & I told my mom I was gonna get that tattooed somewhere. I think she would actually accept that. Then I told my dad & I was liek "when I`m 18 I will" & He`s like "No, once you`ve moved out of the house & you can make your own decisions" & I was like "So what I`m incapable of making my own decisions now or something?" & he just started at me. Then we waited about an hour at the keg & had dinner there. Now I`m at home.
oh yeah. at the concert, the people I knew were:
Kirsten, Katt, Nick, Adriene, Jenna, Mikey, Becky, Molly, Kris, Jyss`ca, Jackie, Britt, Alex, Jen, Ryan, Rodney, Steff & Tori, I think that`s it. Pfft. I know a lot of people.