I do! I am typing on the awesomest computer ever that is now mine.
Ah, the life of a younger sibling is sweet indeed. Other than getting
this bomb computer, nothing much else happened except for, Oh, I woke up
at 6:30 in the FUCKING MORNING. *beats head against sleek new keyboard*
Friday, Mims, Kathryn-san and I went out to Nordstroms to shop and then
headed out to Rent which is playing at the Crest and you should all go
to, too. Okay, Rent, yeah? 1) MARK. I LOVE YOU, MARK. 2) ANGEL. I LOVE
YOU, TOO, BUT MORE PLATONICALLY THAN MARK. 3) Okay, okay, is it just
me, or do all New York-based musicals have to include a reference to
Santa Fe? What is the deal with New Mexico, eh? 4)
Yes, I cried. Yes, so did 3/4 of the audience.
Everyone should send love and kisses to Annie (shush, I don't care
if you don't know her), aka
fruitoftheloons, because she was in a car accident and has
whiplash. Oh, and there are no special features on her CSI DVD. The agony of it all.