(no subject)

Aug 17, 2011 05:52

I came back from New York reeling from several crazy experiences which have left me feeling mentally exhausted and physically fucked. I now associate New York with long falls, near-broken ribs, near-death experiences, OCD, felonious behavior, and claustrophobia. So much claustrophobia. It's a dark place I can't think about without a mental shudder, which is why my trip to Eurodisney Prague will be filled with a lot of spa visits.

Alarmist fucks in the New Jersey State Congress banned the e-cigarette a few years back, necessitating yet another trip to New Fucking York in anticipation of my 18-hour plane ride.

I'm also trying to break my dependence on sleeping pills with a spot of tea and some Proust... at 6 in the morning.
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