summer & birthdays!

Aug 30, 2013 01:37

so firstly, Happy Birthday {tomorrow} to achbarr!!!

i hope you have a wonderful plan to celebrate your latest year on earth!
{and if you don't, read on & feel free to jump in to some of the things i've got on teh birthday-pocalypse weekend schedule! ;-}

and, i can't believe all the times i tried to make myself sit here & post something, the last entry i see is "happy spring!"...

it's been a summer, that's for sure!

my sis, mum & i traveled to PA to scatter dad's ashes in the "crick" where he, his brother, his dad & my cousins used to go camping.... i barely remember the trip up there once, maybe twice when i was younger, but since hunting & fishing is *not* my thing, i'm sure i wasn't asked to go with them for those trips...
it was a good day when my cousins turned up & we all went to see dad off...

august has flown past, in stark contrast to the relentless rain of july... i'm currently enjoying the return of the warm summer weather, even tho' i know it won't last any longer than teh "august cool snap" last week....

mum, sis & i did "birthday luncheon" sans sis's hubby last sunday... we went to cowfish, and they were horrified by the birthday gong... so much so that they both scrambled to hide presents & cards to each other under the table when the group of gonging servers went to the table beside us & then to one just around the corner from it.... {mum even gave it - the gonging - a bad review on the "score card" the server included in our bill jacket '-}

and *this* weekend is my birthday-pocalypse weekend! since i'm not at dragon*con again this year, i found potentially fun things to do here at home all weekend...
starting with one of my awful, cheesy faves: the olive garden never-ending-pasta-bowl!!! to kick this shindig off right, i'm gonna carb load tomorrow night with whoever is cheesy enuff to join me!!!
i even have a coupon!!! *hehehehehe*

and, in honour of us late virgos, the city of charlotte kindly opted to hold the opening celebration of Romare Bearden Park this weekend, starting tomorrow afternoon & running all weekend thru sunday afternoon!!!
mr. bearden is only one of my VERY favourite artists, and one of the inspirations i most remember from childhood... when i found out later in life that he was from here, it just made him even better!
so, i'll be going to that sometime hopefully saturday....

and, i gotta fit in my free birthday dinner from sir ed's pub, too!

prolly sunday, it's looking like a double feature of nerd-tasticness at the dollah moovies! they still have man of steel, and picked up iron guy 3 last week, so i'm prolly gonna shoot for the 3:30ish supes & the 7pm ironguy....

i'm also hoping to squeeze a labour day trip to mary jo's in there on monday....

so much to do, and hopefully a few friendly faces to help me do it!
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