turkey black day-thing

Nov 25, 2011 02:10

welp, today turned up not-so-hot, too.... for me, at least....
hadda migraine all day; only now feeling ok again, and it's time to goto bed...

tomorrow, there will be muppet-ing at THE. BEST. THEATRE. AROUND. HERE!!!!
soooooooooo excited!!!!

today turned out pretty good for dad, who got to finally go home from the hospital... and even tho' *i* was the one who suggested it to them, i did *not* get to goto ihop w/the family, since there's barely room in my sis' vehicle for her & her hubby + mum & dad...
at least they brought me over some punkin pancakes as a consolation prize!!!
{which, truth be told, was prolly better than dealing w/the possibility of unruly young'uns in my state... '-}

so, mostly a wash, with a smattering of pretty good thrown in to look forward to, i guess.
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