Mar 30, 2007 15:55
Well, it's been a while since my last actual update. Hm. Lets recap the past few weeks.
-= Guys Suck
-= Got my tongue pierced
-= Guys Still suck
-= The only guy who hasn't actually cheated on me that i've dated is still interested and my room mate is convinced I'm going to marry him some day, and we still talk, but I'm not sure if I should date him again or not. (He's in the army, headed for Baghdad in September)
-= New Room mate (Travis.)
-= New Room mate is a guy. Guys suck.
-= Smashed my finger in a car door. Hurts like hell. Swollen and purple.
-= Finally getting back into the Role playing thing with my Buddy Daniel. Haven't rp'ed in a couple days, but it's nice to be able to Rp with people who actually know what the hell they're doing.
-= Cut my foot on a chair. Hurts. It's on the side of my foot, halfway back from my pinky toe on the top. Right where the straps are on my flip-flops! >.< Girr.
-= Got a new barbell for my tongue because it's been 3 weeks. It's blue. :D
-= Mom got a new puppy. Dad says it looked like and Ewok from Star wars. His name is Rudy Valentino.
-= Got a letter from aforementioned ex-boyfriend today. He's sending me a present...
Well, i think that's about all. Well, all that I can think of anyway. Yupperz. Talk atcha all latah.
~Autumn Mist