[RL with Apollo] Helios isn't driving the sun anymore, Pollers

Sep 07, 2008 13:31

Apollo wasn't on Olympus, much to Hyacinth's disappointment. He'd intended to surprise the god, and maybe drag him around to some other world to explore. There was no trace of him though; Hyacinth had walked around the mansion silently, to no avail. The place was empty of any living presence, save a few plants here and there ( Read more... )

apollo, ic, rl

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sine_sole_sileo September 7 2008, 06:12:32 UTC
Apollo had appeared at the base of the mountain just then, eager to prove Ares wrong, that Olympus was still teeming with life, and that their lands still thrived-- the moment he arrived, he knew something was wrong. It felt... empty, dead, a... a ghost town, just as his brother said. How could it be like this?

So distracted by looking for his family, Apollo didn't notice Hyacinth at all -- he began to beckon for them all in turn, his heart sinking a little more with each unanswered call. Tears had no time to slide down his heated cheeks, they simply evaporated as he sobbed raggedly, lost and alone.


bloodiedrebirth September 7 2008, 06:19:08 UTC
There was someone calling for the gods- a boy around his age, by the sound of it. Hyacinth frowned. Was it a god? But that couldn't be right. He ventured closer to the source of it, only to find a sobbing boy there.

"Hey," he said, softly, going closer though somewhat wary. He was an immortal of some sort surely, but for the life of him, Hyacinth couldn't figure out who. Certainly not a god, he'd be able to guess surely, but he didn't think that this was any divine hero or some such personage. Though, the boy did look rather familiar... Hyacinth frowned. "Are you... Are you all right?"


sine_sole_sileo September 7 2008, 06:40:00 UTC
"No!" Apollo gasped between sobs, seeing Hyacinth but not yet recognizing him, "I can't find my family, and everything is different, and I hate it because I -- I never got to learn to lead the chariot, and my people are gone and-- Hyacinthus, what are you doing here?!"

The Sun God stared at the other boy, his shining cheeks lighting up in an incredible flush, and an embarrassment even more incredible crippled him -- oh, how would he ever love such a pathetic god, one who cried like a child? Oh gods (that is, if there were any left), oh gods, oh gods.

"I-- How did you get here?" he asked, tears forgotten, a new problem possessing his rather limited attention span, "Mortals are not allowed here."


bloodiedrebirth September 7 2008, 06:53:38 UTC
He blinked. How did this boy know his name? On top of that, he felt as if he ought to know this person, his face was just so familiar.

"I'm immortal," he said, staring unabashedly at the other. "Or at least, I was granted immortality just a while back. Who are you and how do you know my name?"

The second the words left his lips though, something about Apollo's eyes caught him, and his mouth dropped open. Maybe another god could have sparkly gold hair, but he rather doubted that any other god had quite those amber eyes that Apollo had.


sine_sole_sileo September 7 2008, 16:59:43 UTC
"I'm Apollo," he replied exasperatedly, shocked that his own love did not recognize him -- of course, how could he? Apollo had never actually spoken to him before, but he was a God, wasn't he? Everybody should know what he looked like!

He took a step closer to the boy, timid and curious by their difference in height -- something in Apollo told him that he ought to be taller, but Hyacinth towered over him by at least a few inches, making the still-quite-distraught Sun God feel even more diminutive. Heat still radiated from him, this form still too primordial to control its temperatures properly, especially when Apollo was in one of his moods. He reached for him, unaware of his scalding skin, just needing a damn hug.


bloodiedrebirth September 7 2008, 22:20:18 UTC
At this point, Hyacinth was so used to the community that the first thought in his mind was "virus". He watched curiously as Apollo took a step closer, his gaze softening as the boy reached out for him, so lost and vulnerable.

The second after he let Apollo touch him however, he cried out in pain, shoving the god away from him and burning his palms in the process. As he looked down at himself, he could see the skin reddening and starting to blister, and he bit down hard on his lip. Goddamnit. What was Apollo thinking? He looked up at Apollo, taken aback that he would do this to him.


sine_sole_sileo September 7 2008, 23:12:25 UTC
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I-- Let me fix it, I'm sorry, I--" Apollo was nearly in tears again, fumbling over his own words, trying to remember the correct incantation to rectify the burns, oh, he was so foolish! "Hyacinthus, please... I didn't mean to, I'm sorry, I don't-- This is why Helios won't give me the chariot yet, I don't-- I don't know how to handle myself, please, let me make it right."


bloodiedrebirth September 7 2008, 23:35:32 UTC
"That's... that's alright..." He was still a bit in shock, staring at Apollo as he tried not to wince or move too much while the god tried to heal him. For the first time in his life, he found himself thinking please don't touch me, and he started when he realized what he'd just thought.

Mentally, he smacked himself. It wasn't as if Apollo had meant it- he was crying over it already, for Zeus' sake. Hyacinth moved towards Apollo gingerly, unable to help a small muffled sound or two.


sine_sole_sileo September 7 2008, 23:40:22 UTC
Apollo healed him as quickly as he could, but compared to his 'adult' self, the procedure was clumsy and almost as painful as the burns were in the first place -- he dialed his temperature down as much as he was able and carefully, carefully smoothed the blistered skin over, murmuring broken ancient Greek as he administered his healing touch.

"I'm so sorry, Hyacinthus..."


bloodiedrebirth September 7 2008, 23:55:18 UTC
He grit his teeth as his burns healed, but shook his head when Apollo apologized, laying a very tentative hand on his arm. "It's alright, Apollo. I know you didn't mean it." His hand rested more comfortably on the other boy's arm when he realized that it wasn't burning hot anymore- just very warm, a little bit warmer than Hyacinth was used to.

He tilted his head curiously at Apollo, taking in how his lover had been like, when he was young enough to not even have taken the Sun across the sky once.


sine_sole_sileo September 9 2008, 19:44:30 UTC
"If you're sure..." Apollo bit his lip, still unsure of himself and even more so of his ability to keep himself from burning the other boy again. He rarely had this problem with his brothers and sisters, for their flesh had grown more accustomed to his burning touch over time.

"I-- I'm sorry you had to see Olympus like this," he sighed, head lowering to rest on Hyacinth's shoulder, "It's not as I remember it to be."


bloodiedrebirth September 9 2008, 23:25:31 UTC
He shrugged slightly. "It's always been like this for me," he said quietly. "But it's all right, really. Olympus hasn't been like that since- since the first time I came here."

Hmm. Maybe freaking Apollo out even further with the news that Hyacinth had been dead before wasn't a good idea. He settled for petting the other boy's head instead, a little bemused by this entirely novel situation.


sine_sole_sileo September 9 2008, 23:38:10 UTC
He let the matter drop, wondering if perhaps he had hit his head, like Ares said. At least Hyacinthus was with him, right?

Apollo lifted his head, leaning into the touch with a timid smile. "Do... do you want to see my house?" He pointed behind them towards his crystal mansion, his smile growing. "Since you're immortal now, you will live with me there."


bloodiedrebirth September 9 2008, 23:47:30 UTC
Hyacinth tried not to smile too widely at Apollo taking granted of the fact that he would live there. It wasn't as if he wouldn't, but still... Hyacinth was more used to an Apollo who would at least pretend to ask first.

I've already seen it, and slept in it, he started to say, but then he bit his tongue and smiled instead. "Of course."


sine_sole_sileo September 13 2008, 01:27:45 UTC
"Come," Apollo smiled, and pulled away, tugging his hand -- he would show him everything, and provide him with everything. It was the least he could do for his eternal beloved -- better than the Fields of Elysium his bed would be, grander than any life on Earth. Even if everyone else was gone, Together, they would live.

(S-Sorry for taking so long! ;3; Is this a good ending?)


bloodiedrebirth September 13 2008, 15:50:05 UTC
((No worries! :D And it is. XD Teenage!Apollo is so adorable lkfjlskfj ♥ x987345))


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