[RL at the beach~]

Jan 15, 2008 13:55

Surfing. Who would have imagined that? He grinned to himself as he scribbled down a note to tell his foster family he wouldn't be home early that day. The magnets gave a loud click as he stuck the note to the door of the refrigerator, and he glanced over at the clock on the kitchen ( Read more... )

apollo, rl, hyacinth, beach

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sine_sole_sileo January 15 2008, 06:40:02 UTC
After a great deal of deliberation, Apollo decided that showing up in a mortal neighborhood - in the suburbs, no less! - in a glittering, flaming chariot led by flying horses may be just a tad much. He opted instead for a vintage Woody, complete with surfboards strapped to the roof and custom detailing. Sure, going surfing in the middle of winter was a little odd, but not as bad as the flying chariot, right?

The sun god pulled the car up to the curb, switching the ignition off before hopping out. Long, confident strides carried him up the path cutting through the nicely manicured lawn and to the front door, where he pushed the doorbell a couple of times.

He ran a hand through his hair and waited, chest swelling with excitement. He'd show Eros, he'd show them all.


bloodiedrebirth January 15 2008, 06:53:08 UTC
The doorbell? He pulled it open, amused that Apollo had opted to actually be normal.

"Apollo!" He reached out and pulled the god into a fierce hug, savouring the feel of it after not having seen his erastes in such a long time.

There was a temptation to pinch himself, but Hyacinth decided that even if this was a dream, he didn't have to know it was.


sine_sole_sileo January 15 2008, 07:21:27 UTC
Laughing, Apollo wrapped him in a tight, warm hug, pressing a kiss to Hyacinth's soft hair. Gods, he smelled good. If there was one thing he had to give mortals credit for, it was their hair care products. He smoothed a hand down the boy's back, leaning down to kiss his freckled cheek.

"I've missed you, Hyacinthus." He murmured happily as he pulled away, absolutely glowing. "Are you ready to go?"


bloodiedrebirth January 15 2008, 07:30:56 UTC
"It has been a while." He took a quick moment to admire Apollo, before turning back to the door.

"I am," he said, after the lock snicked into place. He looked over to the car, with the surfboards strapped to the top. "... Costa Rica seems a bit far to travel in that."


sine_sole_sileo January 15 2008, 07:44:51 UTC
Apollo caught the appraising glance and smiled. Gods, his face was going to hurt pretty soon from all this smiling. He couldn't help it, he was head over heels for the boy and he was sure Hyacinth was all too aware.

"I didn't want to frighten your neighbors with my chariot, sweetheart." Apollo replied with a lilt, taking his hand and leading him to the rather gaudy - but practical! - vehicle. He gallantly pulled the passenger side door open for Hyacinth, flicking it shut once the boy was inside. "Don't forget who you're talking to, μωρό~" He slapped a palm lightly against the car door before returning to the driver's side. "We'll get there in no time."


bloodiedrebirth January 15 2008, 07:56:11 UTC
He turned back and tossed his bag of clothes- ones more fit for warm weather than the ones he was currently wearing- onto the seat behind him.

"I can hardly forget who I'm talking to." He settled down in the seat, flashing a grin over. "Were you really considering the chariot?"


FLIRTY LOOK!!! sine_sole_sileo January 15 2008, 08:03:11 UTC
"I should hope not." Apollo returned the smile warmly, reaching over to touch Hyacinth's cheek before reaching back to start the car.

"And, yes, I was~ I aim to impress you. But, seeing as suburbia doesn't take well to the divine unless it comes in the form of silly leather bound books, I decided I would fashion myself a car." The motor thrummed to life, and after rather studiously checking the empty residential street for any signs of life, the sun god pulled out into the street, driving at a modest 25 mph. "I was inspired by the Beach Boys, have you heard of them?" He glanced at Hyacinth for an answer before turning back to the road. "Oh, do put on your seatbelt."


bloodiedrebirth January 15 2008, 08:19:20 UTC
Hyacinth made a noise that sounded suspiciously like 'pffft'.

"You impress me plenty without a blazing chariot and prancing horses, as it is." None of the neighbours he knew were out and about at this time, and he turned his gaze back to Apollo again. "No, can't say I've heard of them and-" he tugged on the seatbelt dutifully- "Why the seatbelt? Planning to crash the car?"


sine_sole_sileo January 15 2008, 08:29:30 UTC
"Pity, they're quite catchy." There was a hint of a pout on Apollo's lip, but it disappeared as soon as his brown eyes flickered over to Hyacinth. "No, I just don't want you to fall out of the car when we go over the Caribbean~"

And with that, the sun god punched the gas - the scenery blew by like a flip book, houses turning rapidly to cities to fields to trees to water until he slammed on the brakes, bringing the old Woody to a skidding stop on a beautiful, sandy beach. The sun glinted off the azure sea, and Apollo cast a smug grin at Hyacinth. "Welcome to Costa Rica, sweetheart."


bloodiedrebirth January 15 2008, 08:38:10 UTC
Hyacinth didn't quite think he could speak for a full minute or so. The speed of the trip there, and the sudden gorgeous view had stunned him for a while.

Wow. He didn't remember seeing anything like this in his entire life; once, he'd seen the sea on a military campaign, but it was nothing like this.

Slowly, his lips curled upwards as he hesitated a glance at Apollo. "I'm not surprised you like this place."

He stripped off the grey sweater that'd kept him warm in winter, but was now no longer of any use, and stepped out of the car in his T-shirt and jeans. "Ready to teach me surfing, now?"


sine_sole_sileo January 15 2008, 17:40:58 UTC
"And I knew you'd like it." Apollo smiled and ruffled his hair before climbing out of the car in tandem.

Once the god was out of the car, his warm winter clothes (not that he needed them, but times had changed and he couldn't just walk about in a toga when visiting mortals) disappeared, replaced by a pair of white swim trunks, one leg adorned with a fiery orange and yellow sun.

Barefoot, he headed across the sand to the boy, pulling him close with a playful smile. "I am. Why don't we get you into something more suitable for surfing?" Feeling generous, Apollo laid a hand on Hyacinth's hip - completely innocently, mind you - and transfigured the blue jeans into a pair of white and blue swim trunks. The shirt, however, disappeared completely. Less is more, really. ♥

(ooc: I just realized now that Apollo should have brought him a bouquet of hyacinths... oh well, there's always next time. XD!)


bloodiedrebirth January 16 2008, 05:34:28 UTC
He nearly jumped in surprise- then stilled, reminding himself just what Apollo really was. Why was he even surprised anymore, anyway? This definitely wasn't the first time he'd done stuff like that.

He reached up to kiss Apollo's cheek.

"Well then, let's get started. The day's wasting away."


sine_sole_sileo January 16 2008, 05:43:11 UTC
"We can't let that happen!"

The sun god was surprisingly patient as he taught Hyacinth the basics of surfing - he took care to remember that mortal muscles were shaky, unsure, and most of all, horribly imbalanced.

However, it was rather charming to see the boy gain his balance on the board for moments before those adorable limbs went flailing and he toppled into the waves. Apollo, of course, retrieved him every time from Poseidon's grasp, laughing as he lifted Hyacinth from the water.

"Getting the hang of it yet?"


bloodiedrebirth January 16 2008, 05:54:20 UTC
"No," Hyacinth gasped as he coughed out water, clinging on to the surfboard. "Not quite yet, but I'm sure I will sooner or later."

He shook the water from his head, clambering onto the surfboard again and paddling out to deeper water, from the shallows of the beach.

"Poseidon can't get me that many times."


sine_sole_sileo January 16 2008, 06:04:51 UTC
Apollo stood knee-deep in the water, hands crossed over his broad chest as he watched his beloved try once more. His determination was admirable, really.

The god would never admit it, but he was always somewhat jealous of the way mortals spent so much time and got so frustrated, trying to perfect a simple talent. Everything came so easy to him, he couldn't imagine what it must be like. Apollo came out of his reverie just in time to see Hyacinth shakily ride a small wave right to the sand.

"Bravo, Hyacinthus!" He called in a delighted voice, clapping his hands as he strode across the water to meet him. "How was it, darling?"


bloodiedrebirth January 16 2008, 06:19:52 UTC
He was grinning widely, happy just at having been able to catch a wave.

"... Fun," he said, not sure how else to describe it. "I'm going to try it again~"

He took Apollo's hand, pulling him along slightly. "You've been doing nothing but teaching me. Aren't you bored?"


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