let boredom taketh over!

May 01, 2005 22:06

WHAT- thefuh

"boys kissing is love"
what can i say... it's true and you know it.

You know you're obsessed with MCR when:
4.) You wear red eyeshadow like Gerard to school and ignore it when people make comments like, "Are you dead?" etc.

2.) You are in despair because MCR is becoming mainstream despite how many times you prayed they wouldn't and get super pissed and start crying when this totally preppy girl in your Art class lists MCR as one of her favorite rock bands, along with Good Charlotte, Simple Plan, and Linkin Park.

1.) You copy and paste the following:

1. Thou shall not put a gun to thy lover's head.
2. Thou shall be willing to die for love.
3. Thou shall seek revenge on those who wrong you.
4. Thou shall be a demolition lover.
5. Thou shall unleash the bats.
6. Thou shall protect thy lover from everything (even vampires)
7. Thou shall respect the lord, Gerard.
8. Thou shall sing the holy hymns of the Chemical Romance.
9. Thou shall see beauty in bloody love.
10. Thou shall rock hard

You know you’re a My Chemical Romance Freak when
3. You hear someone say My Chemical Romance and you snap to attention (haha, yep)

4. You stand your ground and defend them when someone tries to criticize them (definately!)

5. You feel like burning the TRL building down

6. You read a story and claim you saw one of the band members names, though it's not there

7. You have a MCR song for every point in your day

9. You recite the words to the song when someone even mutters a word from it (LOL!)

10. You Live by the words of My Chemical Romance

"I just rolled up the window, I couldn't think of anything else to do... Phew I'm safe from the .375 gun now that I've rolled up the fucking window." - Gerard Way

"Hey you see these sexy security gaurds, yes very sexy security guards, well during this next song fucking get up right to them and push them over!!!" - Gerard Way

'Look at me, with my pretty bracelet and tiara...I'm a fuckin' princess!' - Gerard Way!

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