fuck cock shit muthafucka

Apr 23, 2005 22:52

mother fucking persians sons of bitches cock sucking asses.
masud's totally into me.
what the fucking FUck?!
he kept leaning in for kisses and like, rubbing my shoulders and fucking shit like that.
that's the stupid shit that pisses me the fuck off.
why is it that after what, 2 1/2 months of me getting over his bitch ass and moving on and meeting new people he has to pull this kind of crap?
he's was all asking andrea who i was with last night and telling her that he was going to ask me out tonight.
what the fuck?!
first of all, he needs to stop wearing those fuckin trucker hats backwards. as a matter a fact, cut them out all together.
second of all, he needs to trim his fucking hair because long hair can be hot but a mane is not sexy.
that's just to get a girl in general.
to get ME BACK he'd have to go back a month ago and re evaluate his "future" with me.
yeah i miss those guys. but i've finally gotten over the fact that we're not toether anymore, we're just friends.
i've met new people. lol. people... person? that i'm not sure anything will really happen with cough hopefully (LOL) BUT you know what?
the point is that i'm over his bitch ass and he's leaning in for fuckin kisses?
he never did that shit when we were going out.
we kissed like what... four times in two fucking months?! FUCK THAT SHIT!
i love those damn fucking persains.
but not when they do shit like this.
not when HE does shit like this.

so on the way home we blasted the best thing ever.... TBS.
i let it all out. we were singing so loud that people in cars were turning around and we had all our windows up.
we kicked ASS my friend
that calmed Me the fuck down, let me tell you.
we sang at the top of our lungs, and the song of the night is now:
great romances. i dedicate that fucking song to him, or parts of it at least.
not the 'is this turning you on?" part. hell the fuck no.
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