Sparkly Goblin King

Oct 18, 2010 17:20

I don't know that anyone was actually interested, but I finally finished the CG for that contest prize I started ages ago (in my defense my recent wrist issues really slowed me down!) . . . . So here, have the finished CG of Jareth ... who I still can't take seriously.

Well the person it was for was happy, and that's what counts, yes?


... treated this like a commission, and I somehow always get carried away with commissions and go beyond what I actually had to do.

That's actually true for anything I do for others. For myself I get bored and cut corners ... everything else it just ... gets more flashy.

I'm ... really just glad to be done.


Disclaimer: I still have not and will never watch Labyrinth ... meaning if you post a comment babbling on about the movie or whatnot I will have no idea what you are talking about. XD;

art, commission work

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