OMG I can tell it's been too long since I worked on a drawing digitally. How? My friggin pinky is hurting ... cramped or bruising or something.
(The way I hold a pencil (or stylus in this case) is odd, I am told. But it does end up with me putting a lot of pressure on my pinky as it gets pressed onto the surface I'm drawing on. Alternately I've been told the grip I use is very similar to one common among the left-handed ... although I am not. Or maybe that was just in reference to the fact that I write sideways. (Seriously ... I write with the surface turned a full 90 degree angle.) I can't remember.)
Anyway, preview I what I am working on. No comments on the character please, I know nothing about him other than what I had to research to draw this. It's a contest prize for one of the BJD-Club contests. ... I figured people would request doll art, but apparently not? Well, I didn't specify, so I just bit the bullet and did as requested ....
I'm pretty much treating this as I would a commission. So you may hear me refer to it as my commission work at some point.
Fluffy hair is hard to draw in lineart :< Hoping it'll look better once this is CG-ed.
... it pretty much looks fairly decently like the character, so if you know him you'll probably recognize.
The challenge I set for myself was also getting it to look obviously like David Bowie. Did I win?
... first time since drawing classes ages ago I drew from an actual person reference. And definitely the first time I drew with a reference intending to abstract it to my drawing style. ... so glad my style is a bit toward the semi-realistic.