Stop being so good at assisting procrastination!!!
since we all know I'm procrastinating, we may as well do it right, right?
So, what, you may ask, has the Ghan been up to? ZOMG SO MUCH.
Right. So I have a few awesome assignments: (No sarcasam here, folks)
1. Master Plan assignment - Studio
Basically, 1xA1 drawing of the town of Kendenup and surrounds, plan
6xA4 "emotive images" of places in the town of Kendenup
2. Digital Design Media - make awesome stuff using 3D software
- Pretty much done, I just have to whack it into InDesign and make it all pretty like.
LESS AWESOME assignment
1. Essay Abstract - Architecture Modern History
That's right!
For the first time in recorded history, history is Ghan's least favourite subject. I'm as stunned as you are. More stunned, I should imagine.
So what we've learnt here is that it's absolutely true that a bad lecturer and worse tutor can suck the life from an otherwise excellent subject.
Sucks the life out of it like a slug being vaccumed from it's shell.
Silverchair's new album is totally awesome. It's very different, but I don't mind. It's funky and it doesn't take itself too seriously. I think it's a lot more resolved than their previous stuff, and that Daniel's voice is a lot stronger and more interesting. However, I don't like (shock) how he seems to have commandeered the band: you never hear a whit from Ben and/or Chris anymore, and this makes me think Dan the Man Johns is getting a wee bit... creatively arrogant, perhaps? I mean okay, so it might be warranted arrogance but still. The band is very much the Daniel Johns show now. However! I don't think Ben and Chris would still be in the band if they didn't like it, and I guess it's not like it's a new thing. Eh!
The whole thing is on the interwebs, if anyone is interested:
I'm aware Myspace is the Devil (new window). I'm a get me a copy on Saturday.
Art Nouveau is freaking awesome.
I have ideas for no less than 4 (four) shirts! I will be posting piccurs which I have made up here soon, because I want to. However.. not today! Um.
I haven't moved my computer clock back to REAL TIME, to see if it would help me go to sleep at a more reasonable time.
It doesn't.
I'm doing the BodyPump class at the UWA Gym. It's lots of fitness fun. At the moment I'm planning on going at 4 on Mondays, 12 on Tuesdays, 5 (body combat) on Wednesdays or 6, and at 4 on Thursdays.
Probably not every day, all the time, but I'm planning on joining the gym (because now I'm back at uni, and who am I kidding, at all other times as well, the majority of my day is nothing but lazing around, and I would so like to be more fit), and after that I'm planning to go every day.
So if anyone's interested (classes are $7 for guild members, and er, I think $10 for non-guildies), drop me a commento! :)
I have to go now, however.
I don't actually know whether this year is actually harder, or if I'm just stressing out more or what. But I've been doing more work, hmm.
Also, I've been completely exhausted all the time lately. I don't know what's up with that. But it's annoying. >:(
Finally: I want to organise Harry Potter 7 Things. Prz comment if you're interested and we can totally book!geek it up. :)