May 22, 2007 19:18
Wow, isn't it funny how when you think you're getting along with people, all of a sudden, from nowhere you start to wonder what you were thinking?
Well...that's not exactly what I was wondering, I was actually wondering when people were going to realise that they're not in highschool anymore and that it is time to grow the fuck up.
If I dont go and see people then I'm clearly avoiding them and I hate them...It wouldnt happen to be due to the fact that I have a fricken exam tomorrow morning because 'We have work due as well but we don't hide away in our rooms all the time' but then when I do decide to go and talk to people, it turns out that they don't actually want to talk to me in the first place and they spend the whole time being conde-fucking-scending, and again I wonder why I even left my room.
I give up, I hate this dont hate the room, my haven, isn't that bad, it could most definitely be worse.'s not the's the people I hate.