
Jul 14, 2005 13:52
36 fantabulous facts
1. First grade teacher's name: ms. barter
2. Last person you kissed: um..justin sauer?
3. Last word you said: poo
4. Last song you sang: every heart-boa [for talent show...ugh]
5. Last person you hugged: not really hug but close enough to one...richard
6. Last thing you laughed at: my little sis
8. What's in your CD player: utero - nirvana
9. What socks are you wearing: barefeet...woot
10. What's under your bed: box, clothing...?
11. Current status: single and proud!
12. Current taste: minty listerine..gah that stuff burns
13. Current hair style: straight, messy
14. Current clothes: pj's
15. Current Job: idiot student on summer holiday
16. Current longing: ...chocolate?
17. Current desktop picture: a bunny with a boomerang, with a nade' tied on the end, and the bunny pulled the thing out
18. Current worry: um...stuff
19. Current hate: why it won't rain =/
20. Story behind your username: i like blood....originally it was supposed to be bloodi_tearz, because blood i likes...tears just some randomness
21. Currently doing: this thing
23. Last CD that you bought: i ferget...but i wanna get children of bodom cd next...but im poor, if you want to donate to the justine foundation, you can find me box on a street, mississauga, ont (=
24. Favorite place to be: wonderrrrland! a canadian amusement park located north of mississauga
25. Least favorite place: school
26. Time you wake up in the morning: for school -> 6:45, summer -> normally around 11:45-1:00
27. If you could play a new instrument, what would it be?: mmm....a saxamophoone! instruments i can already play kinda + well: flute, piano, oboe, guitar, drumeset, drums, violin ummm...others
29.Current favorite word/saying: uhhh...
30. Favorite book: battle royale, the curious incident of the dog in the night time, the perks of being a wallflower, many more
32. Favorite Songs: i dunno
34. One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: my uncle
35. Favorite day: friday
36. Where do you want to go: tokyo, japan
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