13. [video]

Jul 04, 2010 23:57

[When the feed comes on, Aureln, sitting in a dress of plain white wool with her hair down, is not looking at it. Her attention is on gleaming metal in her hands - metals and gems are stacked around her.

She is humming, quietly - the song is a fair one, but sad. Not unlike a dirge of some form. She stops after a few moments, eyeing the communicator a moment before going back to her filigree.]

Hm. That -

[She sighs, tersely.]

I had known it happened, obviously, and I've heard it whispered in the ruins, but to see it... That is a dark trick.

It only serves to remind me of what lies ahead - of what I'm being held back from. [Her voice turns quieter. And darker - dangerous. Her hands cease moving, for a moment.]

But I will not be stopped in this.

[Another sigh. She glances at the feed again, and resumes her work.]

I will resume crafting those links back in the village. While I'm here, I thought it best to use what materials are available.

It may be that I can craft a useful amulet, or a ring for you, in fact. Something strengthening, or the like.

[Footsteps are heard approaching, and then a voice - it sounds like a child, but certainly not a human one.]

Boss? Who were you talking to?

[A boy, looking to be a young orc, steps into sight, wearing a tabard similar to the one Aureln usually wears. She shakes her head at him, and manages a smile.]

Myself, Thrakor. Did you find the dragon's eye in the vault?

[He hands her a small pouch, which she takes with a quiet thanks.]

You may return to your training now. I will join you soon.

[The orc gives a bow as she nods for him to leave. She is quiet for a few moments, then eyes the camera again, tipping the gem from the pouch onto her hand. It's about the size of an egg, and gleaming opalescent.]

I wonder how long we have here, anyway. We still have no way of telling, do we? What if we don't get the crystals in time?

she has a gruntling, will be kingslayer, grand master jewelcrafter, aaaand we're back to frowny, arthas is a jerkoff, lament of the highborne

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