Andy Lansangan Uber Alles

Sep 20, 2004 02:28

ive got nothing witty to talk about matt, sorry.

nothing really pissed me off today, and i have the best wit when im making fun of people. especially white, suburban, upper-middle class females ages 14-22.

...yeah... i got nothin. im still angry for nearly no reason, and its just like, faintly-glowing, ambient-heat anger, not like violent burning rage. you know, like 'briskly walking with head down and hands in pockets' angry.

not 'punch Rhys in the forehead for talking shit during Halo' angry.

its all because of vagina. im scared of it now i guess. we fear what we do not understand. we fear the unknown (or the forgotten-so-therefore-essentially-unknown-but-not-really). i see a person that has a vagina and pretty hair, and i get angry. glowing angry, not neck-punching angry. i hear what comes out of her mouth when she opens it, and i get a little angrier. exponentially more luminous with anger with every sentence.

most of the time at least. there are exceptions. i think you'd be able to tell if you were an exception or not.

misogyny is the new self-deprication. get with it.

i bet lungfish is pretty interesting live. not really a misogynist. im just easily annoyed.usually by girls. and its frustrating..
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