i could tell she was blushing

Sep 01, 2004 17:51

okay, 3rd attempt at making a worth-while entry. just havent been feeling it. . .

brad took that job, so starting next wednsday ill be doubling my hours at the store. which means ill be getting twice as much money. which also means ill have like, 3 days off a week to practice. wednsday afternoons, thursdays, and sundays. thats all i can do. im working all day mondays, opening wedndsays, closing tuesdays, fridays, and saturdays.

today i was 2 hours late for work and about lost my shit. i slept at matt's so i'd be there on time even. i woke up and my alarm had not gone off, and it was noon. i drove way too fast for my own good and got there, luckily stewart had opened the store.

im compiling a vinyl wish list thats getting bigger and bigger as moments pass.

im almost through importing all my cds onto itunes, i have about 20 left. i need to find someone that has the following on cd:
Led Zeppelin- I
Led Zeppelin- III
Led Zeppelin- IV
Led Zeppelin- Houses of the Holy
Led Zeppelin- Physical Graphitti
Led Zeppelin- In Through The Out Door
Led Zeppelin- Coda
Elvis Costello- This Year's Model
Elvis Costello- My Aim Is True
Godspeed You! Black Emperor- Yanqui uxo
" " " "- f#a# (x)
- slow riot for new zero kanada
The Album Leaf- in a safe place

all of these i have on vinyl, but not cd, and i'd like to upload the cd so i can burn 'portable' copies if i need them. the led zeppelins are of lesser importance.
im going to start very soon at collecting most of the Rush records on vinyl. but this is after my implementation of the vinyl wish list.

which will cost me a lot of money. . .

Ok, so i think susannah and i are going blue-jean shopping sometime in the future. i expressed my curiosity in switching from 505's to 501's, and she said she MUST come with me, because there is a certain picture in her head as to what my ass should look like, and she doesnt want me to fuck it up. what a good friend.

i bought some killer headphones the other day. theyre all cushy, and the low end of the frequency range is printed as 13hz, which is pretty damn low. theyre nice.

ive got to sleep.


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