Jul 09, 2008 23:03
let's see. middle of august, i get to go to ocean city, maryland for a week. on august 15, rev theory and saving abel are playing here...and july 29th, filter, opiate for the masses, and some other band are playing as well. i would love to go to these. incidentally, july 29th is also nad's birthday...and i still hope for nothing more than him to drop dead. oh well. speaking of, he sent kaden a birthday card, it seems a bit inappropriate for a 3 year old, but hey, at least he sent something...right? at least he can't read. it plays great balls of fire when you open, too. no money, but then again, i didn't even expect a birthday card. hah!
and the concert tickets are amazingly cheap, as well. this could be because, for the most part, these bands are relatively unheard of around here. except for filter, of course, and i'm wary of filter because their last album was fucking terrible. but the new music i've heard sounds better, kind of like they're returning a little more to their short bus era. i can only hope. i like what i've heard from rev theory quite a lot, but while i like addicted by saving abel, i haven't liked too much else of their stuff. it sounds a little too poppy for me.
in other news, i've started taking walks in an effort to lose this damn weight. and of all things, i bought a pink bathing suit top....eek! it has a white guitar going across the front, though, so it's all right. as long as i'm a rockstar, i can wear pink. right? i hate pink, but not half as bad as i hate white....eek.
i start school on september 2nd. while i'm not looking forward to dragging myself and the kids out of bed first thing in the morning so they can go to daycare and i can go to classes, i can't wait to actually be doing something with my life.
all righty then...that's my update...haha