Even longer

Feb 01, 2009 20:04

I thought I'd left this for long enough last time at 17 weeks, but this time it's apparently been 37.  Yes, like most people, I don't bother with Livejournal anymore.  I stick with Facebook, and my status updates serve their purpose for letting me vent whatever I want to get off my chest, without requiring a fully thought out blog.

Anywho, that's not to say I don't want to keep using this sporadically.  Since I gave up keeping a diary many moons ago, I like the idea of having somewhere to jot things down every now and then.  Of course, I do it so rarely that when I do, I can't think of what's happened since my last entry and can't think of what to write.  And generally, enough things have happened that to do a full entry would take way more time and effort than I could be bothered with.

Well, in my last post I believe I'd just heard about my new job.  Well, eight months later, I've more than started it.  In fact, it's finishing in the next few weeks.  It's been really good, I've enjoyed working as a test analyst, and it's definitely something I'd like to continue.  I need to speak to the project manager and see if there is likely to be further testers needed for the second phase of the project (for aspects of the project that will be introduced after the initial go live). Otherwise, I need to start looking for another job soon, because come April, I'll be out of a job!  It is a secondment, so they do have to put me somewhere afterwards, but they can technically just send me back to Safe Receipt, which definitely isn't something I'm considering!

Last August, Siannie, Michael and I went to V Festival, which was, erm, an experience.  No, it was good fun, but the rain and mud was just too much.  It was so bad it was just miserable.  We were all very happy to get home on the following Monday.  But we saw some amazing bands and artists.  The Chemical Brothers were awesome (though we nearly slept through them after going back to the tent to avoid Wino), as was Alanis Morrisette and Girls Aloud, and we finally got to see The Prodigy, who were bloody incredible.

Last August was also mine and Michael's first anniversary.  We went to Blackpool and then the Lakes for the weekend, which was nice.  We're going to Stratford-Upon-Avon for Valentine's Day.  I've not had a day off work (aside from Christmas and a couple of sick days) since October, so I can't wait for the break!

Another big thing that's happened since last time was my sister splitting up with her partner of many many years.  This may not seem like much of a big thing, but it caused a lot of hassle for everyone involved (everyone involved being pretty much anyone who knows either of them).  But many many court cases later, and the prospect of a name change for my nephew, things are starting to look up.  She got a court order to sell her house, and he's been told that even if he applied for access to Jack (which he hasn't done so far), it would be likely to be at least another year before he was allowed to see him again.  I never thought I'd ever have a restraining order against someone though!

Me and Siannie went to see Flashdance yesterday, which was bloody awesome.  I love musicals.  We got autographs afterwards as well, from Bernie Nolan, Noel Sullivan (the one from Hear'say who doesn't look like Shrek) and Bruno Langley (the gay one in Corrie).

Anyway, aside from all that, everything's pretty much as normal.  Lots of cinema trips (go see Seven Pounds, don't bother with The Spirit), spending lots of time with the kids, plenty of vodka/cider/wine.  So yeah, generally pretty happy with the way things are going.

charlie, work, michael, updates, theatre, abbie, jack

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