Wow, been a while...
Right, first of all, before I forget, it's my 21st on Sunday, so on Saturday night, I'm having a party!
(phone numbers are blurred coz I'm not making this private)
So yeah, if you can come, do so! Let me know if you're gonna come too. The plan is to go the Kray afterwards too. Slightly dreading it, but I'm sure it'll be good. I gots my Jamie coming up with Hayley! Which is cool.
Anyway, the past few weeks have been pretty much filled with work, Big Brother, and getting pissed of with Tiscali. Seriously, had nothing to do. I've been to the pub a few times, but most nights I've stayed in bored. Especially coz our bloody internet's not been working! Tiscali have been shouted at. Many MANY times. They're lying little bastards.
Wow, Nine Inch Nails were just on an advert for a Channel 4 programme. That's pretty cool.
So work's going alright. It's a bit repetitive ("Good morning, thank you for calling the Argos card safe receipt line, Claire speaking, can I have your card number please?"), but generally pretty easy, and I can read and stuff while I'm there, so I keep myself vaguely entertained. And apparently I'm not bad at it either. Plus it pays ok. But still, I'm very glad I'm off after tomorrow till Monday! Booked Saturday off for my birthday.
I'm pretty sad that Big Brother ends on Friday though. How geeky is that?! But it's gone so quickly! I really hope Pete wins. I will NOT be imressed if that 'ghetto' trash Aisleyne wins. I'd prefer Nikki not to win too, but only because she's already been evicted. Still, i wouldn't mind, just so long as Aisleyne doesn't win. Yeah, I've been getting faaaar too into it. So have my sisters; as well as spending a fucking fortune voting (especially voting for Pete this week), me and my sisters have been texting each other contantly about it. In fact, tonight's possibly the first time I've not had a text off her while it was on.
A couple of weeks ago, I met up with Holly and Mike in Liverpool, which was ace. Went to Curly's so Mike could order a double bass (?!), then off to Pizza Hut for some food and to start the drinking, then on to the Walkabout, then Baa Bar and then on to the Jacaranda. Had such an ace day! It was so good to catch up with them. I don't see them anywhere near enough. Got loads of picturs as well. Click the picture below to see the rest.
Oh, I've started learning to drive again. With a new instructer this time. The last one was a cock. This one seems alright though. Took me a couple of lessons to get back into it, but I feel pretty happy when I'm driving now. Expecting it to take about 30 lessons, I think, and he agreed. It's weird though, my instructer was also the person who taught my sister about 12 years ago. Got two lessons this week, one on Thursday at 1pm, and then on Friday at 10.30am. Don't wanna get up that early! But I've got to, because I'm going the hairdressers to have pink streaks put in at 1.30pm. And they better bloody give me pink this time! I don't want fucking red again!
Anyway, I'm off to watch some programme about Ted Bundy and porn now, so I just have one last thing to ask; Can you hear the mating call of the bassoon?