Title: Memento Mori: Hominem Te Memento
whichclothes Chapter:: 12 of 12
Pairing: Xander/William
Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I'm not Joss
Summary: In order to save the world, Xander must travel back in time and make sure that William becomes Spike.
AN: Written for
fall_for_sx and incorporating the
50kinkyways prompt "virgin" and the
angst_bingo prompt "betrayal." Many thanks to
sentine for the gorgeous banner and matching icon, to
silk_labyrinth for the wonderful beta work, and to
lil_coyote for even more great icons!
Previous chapters
Thank you for reading! This final chapter will be followed by some of my notes. They're completely optional, but you might enjoy them if you like trivia.
Maybe this was hell, Xander thought.... )