darkhavensTitle: Temperature Control
Pairing: Spike/Xander, Angel
Fandom: Buffy/Angel
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Not mine, never will be. No harm, no foul, no money made.
Warnings/Squicks: Minute amount of bloodplay
Previous chapters: The continuing saga of
baby!vamp!Xander's unlife with Spike.
vampirefever wrote
this Spander drabble, and I commented that she'd made me envision Xander licking custard off Spike's belly. She said Xander wouldn't do that because it would get the sheets all sticky. I decided that live!Xander might not, but baby!vamp!Xander certainly would, and thus was born the first drabble. *g*
Dessert Toppings Spike Has Needs