
Apr 03, 2005 16:50

Starting Time: 4:01
* Name : Joseph
* Nicknames:Jody, Joe-D, Death, bloodcat, Joe
* Starsign: Libra
* School: None at the moment
* Location: Augusta, Ga
* Colour of eyes: BLue
* Hair colour: Dark BLonde
* Shoe Size: 12 wide to 14
* Brothers/Sisters: one brother, one sister
* You live with: my family

------------------HAVE YOU EVER------------------

* Missed school because it was raining: Ofcourse
* Put a body part on fire for amusement: Yes
* Thrown someone in da bonfire: Nope
* Been hurt emotionally: Yeah
* Kept a secret from everyone: Several
* Cried during a Movie: Yep
* If so what film: Top Gun
* Ever thought an animated character was hot: Hell yes >_>;
* Been on stage: Yeah, a couple plays and concerts
* Been sarcastic?: At times


* Shampoo: VO5
* Soap: Irish Spring
* Favourite colour/shade: Dark and Cool Shades
* Summer/Winter: Winter
* Cartoon Characters: Dunno
* Drink: Nestea
* Movie: A good Comedy
* Ice Cream: Creamie Chocolate
* Subject: Horticulture
* Animal: Bear
* Person: No one that I think of

---------------RIGHT NOW------------------

* Wearing: T-shirt, and boxerbriefs
* What color underwear/boxers: Grey
* Eating: Mac & Cheese
* Drinking: Nestea
* Thinking: Whether to get God of war or not.
---------------IN THE LAST 24 HRS------------------

* Cried: Nope
* Met someone new: Nah
* Cleaned your room: Nah
* Drove a car: I always end up driving
* Been pissed off: Nope

---------------DO YOU BELIEVE IN------------------

* Yourself: Sometimes
* Santa: Used to.
* Toothfairy: Used to.
* Angels: Hell yes.
* Elves: Big busty elfs dont exist, so no
* Intelligent life in space: Earth is the penal colony, so ofcourse
* Ghosts: Sure

--------------FRIENDS AND LIFE------------------

* Do you have a soul mate?: Dunno
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: Nope
* Do you like anyone?: Ain't even looking
* Who have you known the longest of your friends: Melissa
* The loudest: Trashcan
* The shyest: Red
* Who's the weirdest: I'm usually the wierd one
* Who has seen you cry: only one person outside of my family, and she's in

* When have you cried the most: I rarely cry
* What is the best feeling in the world?: BLiss

------------ABOUT GUYS FOR GIRLS TO FILL OUT--------------------

* Boxers or briefs:
* Long or short hair:
* Six pack or muscular arms:
* Good or bad guy:
* Hat or No Hat:
* Tan or fair:
* Rugged or sporty:
* Accent or not:
* Immature or mature:
* Funny or not funny:
* Cute or sexy:

----------ABOUT GIRLS FOR GUYS TO FILL OUT-----------

* Regular underwear or thong: reguler, just not granny panties
* Painted nails or not: not
* Bra or sports bra: none
* Cute n' mysterious or wild n' crazy: cute
* Dressy or casual: casual
* Dark or blonde hair: dark
* Dark or light eyes: light
* Good or bad gurl: good, but naughty at the right times
* Intelligent or average: intelligent
* Hair up or down: up
* Jewelry or none: a ring and necklace
* Tall or short: either
* Curly or straight hair: straight
* Pants or dress: pants
* Tan or fair: fair
* Freckles or none: few
* Accent or Not: easy to understand
* Shy or outgoing: kinda between

-----------FOR EVERYONE TO FILL OUT---------------

* Silver or gold: Silver
* Diamond or pearl: pearl
* Sunset or sunrise: Sunset
* Do you sleep with stuffed animals: I have a dog, she snores though
* Have you ever broken/sprained/fractured: knuckles and knees mostly
* Do you have any piercings?: nope
* If yes, what?:
* Rain, sun or snow?: snow.
* How is the weather right now?: sun
* Do you like cookies?: chewy ones

Do you wear black eyeliner?: nope
How much black clothing do you own?: a couple shirts
Do you think about death often?: sometimes
Do you want to die?: at times
Are you pale?: not really
Do you cut?: nope
Do you like Hot Topic?: some of it

--Skater Punk--
Can you skateboard? nope
How often do you go into Vans?: SUVs
What's your sneaker brand?: Dont remember
Do you do stupid stuff with your friends?: not much anymore
Are long skater haircuts cute?: most arent
How much do you get in trouble?: no where near as much now
Do you listen to the bands who are considered "posers"?: Nope
How many piercings do you have?: none

How often do you say the word "like"?: Only when I want to irritate someone.
Do you shop at Abercrombie and Fitch?: never and never will
Are the A&F models hot?: do damn skinny
How often do you wear makeup?: not anymore
Ever had a manicure?: a couple times
Rock music is bad, right?: some of it. I love mainstream and euro
Are you ever ditzy?: Nope
Do you own high heels?: not anymore
Have you ever said "Oh my gosh"?: only sarcasticly
Are you a cheerleader?: nope

Is your hair long?: beyond my shoulder blades
Are you a vegetarian?: I'd be a carnivore but I like baked taters
Do you own a tye dye shirt?: nope
Do you want peace?: no fun
Do you want to save the animals?: not all of them
What do you think about the war?: Death to them all
Have you ever made a peace sign with your two fingers?: never meant it

Are you from the ghetto?: Nope.
Do you own "bling bling"?: Nope.
What do you think about do-rags?: ever heard of being too dumb to do a

Do you like rap?: Nope.
How about hip-hop?: Nope.
Was Tupac truly the greatest rapper in the world?: Dont care
What do you think about afros?: nothing over 3 inches
Have you ever said 'fo shizzle'?: never
How about 'oh, snap son'?: nope

Is life a party?: Nope
How often do you get drunk?: rarely
What's the point of getting drunk anyway?: A buzz
Do you care about your grades?: Didn't
Do you need an attitude adjustment?: occasionally

How often do you cry?: Rarely
Do you have an ex?: Yeah
Do you have an acoustic guitar?: Nope
Are you emotional?: Only when I have to put up with other's
Do you like soft music?: whistles and some piano
Do people understand you?: I don;t think so
Do you write your own songs?: nope

Do you play any sports?: backyard
How important are they to you?: Not very
How important is your reputation?: It confuses me that I have one
Do you pick on the geeky kids?: Nope, they're for asking Qs
Are you considered a bully by anyone?: I don't think so

Do you wear glasses?: At home
Do you get good grades?: Nope
Are you smart?: People keep saying so
Do you use an inhaler?: Nope
Do you stick pens and calculators into your shirt pockets?: Nope
Does your mom buy your clothes?: I'm broke, so yeah
How often are you on the computer?: Daily. Its a better friend than some

sisters. (take that)
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