At seven o'clock sharp, nothing happens. There is no beep, no sound of the female warden's overtly cheerful voice. Instead, there is only silence, and it lasts for a very unsettling forty-seven minutes. When the intercom eventually crackles to life, it is notably not the same one as before
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Comments 4
You have to live with what you're given though, he just wished that the new warden wouldn't be some incompetent ass. Boy was he wrong.
Kanji had slept in because the morning announcement wasn't exactly on time. Ah well. When he heard...that though, he was startled to say the least.
"My my. He certainly is a crude one, isn't he?" he mumbled, more to himself than anyone else. Readjusting his black tie, Akabane waited patiently for the doors to open before stepping outside and beginning his daily walk around the facility. Perhaps today there would be someone new to meet.
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