Pimp my wife?

Oct 13, 2011 17:51

Genesis chapter 12

After the long list of names in chapter 11 we are introduced to who we all know as father Abraham, who at the time was named Abram. We are also introduced to his wife Sari who we are told cannot have children. Up to this point there is no indication that he is a man of faith or that he comes from a family who is of faith. This shows that God purses us. God is not lost, we are the ones who are lost. All other religions will tell you that you have to find God or find enlightenment. That you have to do something or live a certain way to get to heaven or gain your reward. Jesus has done the work for us and he comes calling us. All we have to do is open the door when he knocks. God tells Abram he will bless him and make him into a great nation. He tells him that through him all nations will be blessed. This is the promise that God made to Adam and Eve. It is the promise of a saviour who will come and take away the sins of the world. A son that will come through their bloodline who's heel will be bruised by Satan but who's heel will crush the head of Satan. So, Abram is 75 years old at this time, he's married, and drawing a social security check, when God tells him leave. God does not tell him where's he is going or why. He just says go. Abram trust God and takes his wife, his house hold servants, and his nephew with him. Along the way the a forced to make a stop in Egypt. Apparently Abram was a bit of a coward and very much looked after only his own well being at this time. He began to worry that when the Egyptian saw his wife that they may think she was hot and would want to kill him and take her for their selves. So he basically pimps her out to the Egyptians. He tells them he is her brother and they give him livestock and servants. The Pharaoh takes interest in her and takes her to live with him. What a terrible husband father Abraham was in the begging. This is the same problem Adam had when he did not step up and lead his wife was forced to deal with the problem on her own. Men step up and be a man. 40% of children in this country go to bed without a father and 50% of marriages end end divorce. I am calling you to a higher standard than the litter boys you are trying to be. So, God was not pleased by this and would not let it happen. He brought disease upon the Egyptian and they chased Abram and his wife and party out of the city.
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