Feb 27, 2012 04:20
Genesis 29(part 2) ver. 13-30
Here we see Jacob come home with Rachel to meet her father Laban. Laban says hey we are family ill give you a job and help you help me make money. What we are going to see is Jacob the trickster being tricked by another trickster. Jacob agrees that he will work 7 years for Rachel's hand in marriage. On the wedding night though Laban tricks Jacob. He gets him drunk and Jacob goes to bed at two with a ten and wakes up at ten with a two. Jacob finds out in the morning that Laban has given him the wrong daughter. We are told that Rachel was a beauty queen while her older sister Leah looked like a cock-eyed 3rd shift waitress at waffle house. Jacob wakes up in bed with Leah in the morning and is furious. Laban comes up with the excuse that he can't marry his younger daughter before the older one. Jacob agrees to another seven years of labor to marry Rachel also.
What I see spiritually in this is that God fell in love with us when we were perfect and beautiful (without sin) but he was robbed of what should have rightfully been his and given a much less beautiful and imperfect substitute. However because he loved us he gave him self up and by his works, by his labor we are united back to him and made beautiful again. See we held perfection in our hands it was our beauty but we turned our own way and tossed perfection aside becoming vile and undesirable in sin and rebellion, but through Christ our sins are forgiven and we are made pure again.