Jan 17, 2012 21:02
Genesis 27
If you have ever been to Sunday school as a child they may have made out the men and women of the Bible as heros, but this is not the case. There is but one hero in all of Scripture, his name is Jesus. We see that everyone else is just like us or worse. They go through some of the same struggles we go through and sometimes like us have to learn the hard way about Gods faithfulness. Here we see the consequences of the parents favoritism unfolding as well as Jacobs envy of his brothers birthright even though God had already promised it to him. You see, pride is the sin that got Satan thrown out of heaven and the same sin that got our father and mother kind kicked out of the garden. When we start thinking what we want instead of what God wants we begin treading a dangerous path. Our culture today calls pride self-esteem. It says you should think more highly of yourself and less about Jesus. It says what do you want? You should do that it will make "you" happy. This is one of the many lies Satan tells us to get his hook in us . This is were we get into a mess because when we start depending on ourselves as lord and god we let ourselves down. We suck as god and will never do anything for ourselves or anyone else that could even come anywhere close to measuring up to what God can do through you and for you. There is nothing good in us and we can not help ourselves. We need to esteem Christ and how we can depend on him and his faithfulness. In this passage we see Isaac favoring his son Esau. In disobeying God he plans in secret to give the blessing to Esau who was not supposed to get it. Out of pride he comes up with a scheme to have "his will be done" and not God's. Rebekah his wife who favored the other son jacob overheard the plan and in her pride concocted her own plan. Jacob who was envious of his brother being born first who had already taken matters in his hands by coning his brother out of his birthright, was all for the plan. They out smart his father and Jacob receives the blessing that God already promised him. Dumb, right? That's like stealing your own car. Then it all comes down to Esau getting bitter and holding a grudge against his brother and wanting to kill him and take back what was stolen from him which never was his in the beginning.
Romans 3:10 "There is no one righteous, not even one; remember Jesus is the hero it is him we should esteem. It is in him that we were made in his image and given dignity value and worth.