ok maybe that's not an oncoming train

Oct 13, 2003 15:56

and really the end of the tunnel.

I feel better, finally. Still a bit itchy but I'm stepping away.

Mom has to leave dad, there's no other option.

Dad is going to die either way.

Mike is out on the street literally now just in time for winter- and it's his fault, not mine.

Granny dear is old- she's gotta die.

That sounded wrong- but I think you know what I mean.

Good things:

I'm losing all the junk I packed onto my trunk over the last winter...20 something # since I tossed the kid out.

Taking vitamins even if I can't eat very much right now.

Still doing yoga- I am fully addicted and must now do it two times a day in order to feel good. YAY!

Still making sure I get a good walk at least once or twice a day out back by the creek. The walks are usually about a mile long give or take a few feet.

Car is good. Needs an oil change.

Sex drive is back...you've been warned!!!

That's about the best thing I think...

Oh- and the depression drinking is tapering off.

All done for now.
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