(no subject)

Nov 07, 2006 20:05

ok an entry that isn't taken up with fiction, today at college i learnt how to cut a chicken for saute (and i got an excellent for mine, my first excellent *^_____^*) so happy
and we made lamb kofta's, and had to taste the raw mixture, which didn't bother me that much, but did really bother a few of them. meh, my mother was making me try things like that when i was six, wooo for having the psycho chef mother.
i stayed behind at school to do my homework, but before i started i rand Mistress Jennifer and Master Alexander, and got told i had to write my story once i had done everything, and Master Alexander said i must write it naked, and when i made the mistake of complaining he gave me 20 strokes of the belt, and added 10 for me talking back, and Mistress Jennifer added 5 because she loves me, so Master added 5 because he loves me.
and so i went and did my homework, and handed in my key skills *yawn*
and went to the station, and texed Mistress Jennifer, and earned another 10 strokes for interupting their meal
but i did get free chocolate (cadbury's were handing out bars in the station, i got three...should last me a little while)
and i spent money on sushi, which i couldn't really afford, but it was soooooo good, and made me very happy.
on my way home i went to the library and ordered in Kushiel's Dart which several people have spoke highly of, and which seems just like my sort of book.
and then headed home and gave myself the beating i had earned
then sat down to wrtie out the story (see previous entry)naked as requested, and cold because my grandparent's usually overheated house is actually at a reasonable temperature for once.
rugby training was cancelled tonight (no coach) but i was half planning on skiving off anyway
bad lila

yesterday i saw my counsellor person, and told her about me being into kinky type things, and explained that it wasn't self harm by prxy like my other person though, and she understood! ^____^ she is nice person
the rest of the hour was the usual mix of me moaning about life and occasionally taking about my actual problems
and about why i don't want to get a job
my grandparents are trying to make me (with very good reason) but i'm just not sure i'll be able to cope with a job and college, plus if i have a job it means weekends aren't ever going to be available for coventry trips, which if i'm honest is my main reason, this esspecially applies to christmas jobs, because there is no way i'm not spending my xmas hols with Jenn
plus i've work out the budgetting with my grandma ans i need £25 a week i get £30 a week EMa (when it kicks in) and i'm getting money from the college for transport and books (pray i don't get book vouchers for the books, well i'd like it, i love books, but Nonna would be less impressed)
so i'm not going to financily need a job
counsellor lady seems to understand this...i doubt my grandma will. *sigh* i'll probably just continue lying, tell her i'm applying for positions and they don't want/need me.

other than that yesterday was uneventful, with the exception of what happened in the evening
jenn had been on the phone and online taunting me all evening, she had taken special pleasure in making sure i was doing all my tasks, especialy sucking zoe, and it now seems inevitable that she's going to make me "practice" with strangers at scarlett, and probably take their beating if i'm not good enough. (i should clarify here zoe is my vibrator, that was a very nice birthday gift from jenn and alex)
but all this oral was driving me crazy, i was begging jenn to let me have her inside me...and she agreed
but not where i wanted her
i was allowed if i used her analy
i've never been adverse to the idea of anal, but i've never actually done anything
so i was rather nervous
but it felt good
very good
so good that i couldn't help my hands wandering to places i wasn't allowed to touch
and i'm having to pay the price for that 40 strokes with the belt and Mistress say's she's unsure she can trust me...I've got a feeling i'm going to be punished when i get to coventry as well
i know they do this because they love me
i love them very much
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