Lilly Limas.

Feb 21, 2006 20:24

So I am pretty much sick, but it totally isn't bringing me down!

I have a nice horrid cold, I'm on my period and such, my back is keeeeeling me, I still have this skin allergy.... But you know, I had so much fun last night! The ACC girls and I had a Girls Night Out. I went over there around 5, got JoAnna a bottle of sparkling grape juice and a jar of marachino cherries for comfort. The we hung out for a bit, went over to the Cafeteria and had waffle fries smothererd in honey then we all (Me, JoAnna, Tina, Diana, Donna, Amanda, and Sarah) played Apples and Apples. It was so fun... especially in the cafeteria... everyone was looking at us crazayyyy. Lol.

Theeeeen, JoAnna, Sarah, and I went to Target... played in thurr, saw Amber and Sisk-O. On the way back to the school we sang like fools, then JoAnna and I shared our "I Turn to You" duet with Sarah. I pretty much sounded like crap being sick and such. Lol. When we got back to the school, I broke out the Trading Spouses "God Warrior" DVD that I recorded and lmao... everyone loved it, well, pissed some people off, but yeah... either way... that is by far the best TV show I have ever seen (that one episode).

Theeeen we (Me, Sarah, JoAnna, Sisk-O, Amanda, Diana, Donna, Anna, and Micki)went to The Dwarf House and I pigged out. Heck yes! 12 nuggets and a grilled cheese. w00t. I was a wee bit hungry, and I did thoroughly enjoy it! We took lots of fabulous pictures... and there was this really creepy guy at Dwarf House and like, when we'd all laugh... he would laugh. And he tried to look "cool" by whipping out his cell phone and randomly dial like 9871296 numbers... consecutively.. and pretending he was on the phone. he'd keep staring at our table... ugh... weirdo. And he left right when we left.. we got up, he got up... and he like stood breathing on Anna's neck.. I wold have said something had I known. I hate creeps. And if creepy guy would have said anything back to me or touched me... there was a guy at the counter that was watching him... he was cute... he would have jumped him... I just know he would have.

So on the way back to the school, man... I have never broken so many laws. I like... ran a stop sign, U-turned over a double yellow line, drove in the other lane, drove on the curb... and it was all encouraged. Lol. Wonderfulll. Fun though.And no one was killed. We listened to "Peanut Butter Jelly Time" 2 times.. and video taped one of the times. HA!

We got back to the school... and went up to JoAnnas room and Anna came storming down the hall "I would appreciate if you all would just shut the hell up and let me sleep. -slams door and lock-" We were all like awestruck. I have never seen her like that. She said it was because she didn't wanna go eat with us. Sarah dragged her along... however, Anna didn't have to go.. it was HER choice... and yeah... it blew up into this big deal between Sarah and Anna and everyone else got into it... and apparently it ended up being this big schmeal. Oh well... Anna should be the one apologizing... but I guess thats just my opinion. Never mind me... I'm not a part of it... and that's a gooood thing for me. Then I left... Lol, but before I left, Sisk-O was like "there's a guy outside in an orange outfit and security has flashlights on him and everything" so I got Sarah to walk with me since she was going taht way anyway... and sure enough, he was coming around the corner and I got that stomach pit feeling... he really was scary and felon looking... but turns out he was just a boyfriend of one of the girls and he was waiting on a ride.

I really wish writing an analysis paper was this wasy. Really.

So... the mexican came to fix our carpet (at my parents house) and he made it even worse. How about that for professional. How do you make a repair look worse?! Ugh. I can't wait to go home on Thursday... my parents moved the old living room furniture in and the crappy sofa out. Yay for that. I may bring home my WAY old computer desk... I need one and don't feel like spending $379 on a computer desk (yeah, you all know how picky I am).

I think I am going to go to bed early tonight. I need the sleep. I have been slacking on sleep for a while now. And I have a paper hat I absolutely have to write tommorrow... and I have to be able to stay awake in math.. :P. I hate that class so much, you just don't undestand. I am craving pure milk chocolate like a fool right now... JEEZ. And I just so happen to have none... I usually don't care for it too much. That chocolate bar Tasha gave me for Valentine's Day was amazing. I absolutely loved it.

I got my DVD of Kelvins USMC boot camp graduation. w00t!

Okay, I am out... I need to go upload pictures, watch tv, and procrastinate.

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