Is the Fair really fair?

Oct 19, 2008 23:28

So yesterday we all piled into our cars and met for breakfast then we headed out to catch the train to goto the fair. I had a pretty good time I suppose, of course everything costs an arm and a leg at the fair. They ass rape you on food and drinks. I didn't end up riding any rides this year due to timing. We ended up having to leave early (around 7pm) because my grandparents legs were bothering them... which is understandable although I would have liked to stay longer. Lauklyn never fussed he did so well and I am so glad that the weather was nice or I would not have been able to take him therefore I would not have gone! We ended up going to a late dinner in Plano at Buffalo Wild Wings then came home and crashed!!! My family left this morning after breakfast and I went shopping for a bit then came home and Lauklyn, Ben, and I curled up for a nice 3 hour nap :D

What an eventful day lol

Lauklyn asleep on the train
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