
Apr 10, 2004 00:45

Main Entry: rad·ish
Pronunciation: 'ra-dish also 're-
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, alteration of Old English rædic, from Latin radic-, radix root, radish -- more at ROOT
: the pungent fleshy root of a widely cultivated Eurasian plant (Raphanus sativus) of the mustard family usually eaten raw; also : a plant that produces radishes.

I have never actually tasted a radish. I know they are red, and I know that they were used in those stupid little books with the fuzzy characters.

There's a cartoon on homestarrunner.com about the Reddest Radish. I can't remember it being too good.

Radishes are the key to life, and I have not lived.

Things to do tomorrow:
1)Eat a radish
2)Attend a gathering
3)Do my hair crazy

Things I learned today:
1)Being a homeless person would suck.
2)I need to learn more things.
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