Meme Dump!

Dec 02, 2009 05:52

Meme via misscam (much delayed because I procrastinate like crazy):

1. Leave me a comment saying anything random
2. I respond by asking you five personal questions so I can get to know you better.
3. You will update your LJ with the answers to the questions. (Or just comment back with them if you don't feel like continuing the meme)
4. You will include this explanation and offer to ask someone else in the post.
5. When others comment asking to be asked, you will ask them five questions.

1. What would be the first things cats did when they took over the world from humans? Ban removal of the claws. The fact that this hasn't been done and that not everyone owns a cat is sometimes the only way I know that the world haven't already been taken over by them. *laughs*

2. Which is your favourite teacher from all your years at school and why?

This is a little hard to answer as I've been home-schooled most of my life, my parents are my teachers. There is one though: Larry Elliot, my art teacher. I started seeing him when I was around seven years old and kept going until I had to move a few years ago at age seventeen (and believe me, the moment I realised I was likely never to see him again, I cried for hours).
I still remember the first time I went to his house, he had told Mum to have me bring a drawing of mine to see my talent, but I'd forgotten and ended up giving him an ocean scene I'd drawn on the way there (meaning in a moving car) with markers. I was rather terrified meeting him and stood there in my dress and new beret feeling ashamed at my bad drawing and blue-markered fingers, but he never said a bad thing, just ushered me back to his drawing/lessons room, that had one of his currant paintings he was working on in the center and smelled greatly of turpentine, to start my lesson.
I spent one hour a week in that room for ten years, I can still picture his house probably better than the one that I'd lived in for 17 years. Some times I'd get there slightly early and I'd get to listen to him give a piano lesson or observe him in the kitchen/as he did a bit of work on his current painting (I actually got to see him work on most of the portraits and a few of paintings that are displayed on the website I linked to above). Once when he was working on 'Rip Van Winkle' he actually let me add the finishing colour dots to a little part of it.
The greatest thing about him though is probably that he never treated me like a little kid, the way most people do, while I drew he would talk with me about art or his life and the people he knew, what I was currently doing/reading or later about God and belief and he listened in return. I may still be a rather bad artist, but I think I'm a better person because of him.

3. What's your favourite historical fact? It snowed in the Sahara desert on February 18, 1979. It's a tiny little fact and totally unimportant, but I can't help utterly loving the idea and wishing I could have been there.

4. You can erase one song from the history of music. Which? Hmm, the first one that comes to mind is Katy Perry's 'I Kissed a Girl'. It just rankles me and the sexualized video doesn't make it any better. Though I wouldn't mind getting rid of 'Baby, It's Cold Outside' either as that song disturbs me so, so much.

5. What's your favourite comfort food? Homemade bread or real mashed potatoes as made by my mom. :)


Day 01 → Your Favourite Song:
Right now it would have to be 'Old College Try' by The Mountain Goats. I love the guitar strumming and the soft organ playing in the background of a song that basically a boy saying "this relationship is going to turn to crap really soon and it's going to hurt, but I follow it through if you will".
My favourite lyrics, the ones that keep me coming back are the beautiful/tragic simile of:
"...Those eyes I've always loved illuminate this place/Like a trashcan fire in a prison cell/Like the searchlights in the parking lots of hell".

Day 02 → Your Favourite Movie:
My favorite movie is incredibly hard to choose; there are just so many that I love! Though if I were to pick the one that I see new things in every time I watch it, the one I can talk about for days and that just gets me every time, right in the heart, it'd be 'Brokeback Mountain'.
I don't care what anyone says, I love that movie with all my heart, in my opinion it's one of, if not the best movie ever made. And no, I don't mean "gay" movie because it's not about that, the main characters are utterly, tragically human and that's enough.
It's one of the few films where I find myself thinking about the characters as if they'd lived, once upon a time, as if the whole story actually happened and the sad part is somewhere with two lonely people it did, maybe not exactly like that, but close enough to break your heart. I haven't watched it that many times though, only once or thrice, because it doesn't just "get me", it freaking destroys me. It reaches inside and twists until my heart feels like it's been scrubbed with steel-wool, to the point where I try not to watch it if I have anywhere to go that week to avoid suddenly bursting into tears: Last time I was in the grocery store when I did so because we were buying soup, if you've seen the movie you can maybe guess why. If you were in the store you probably just thought I was a loony. *laughs*

If I were to pick the movie I've seen the most times though, I'd have to pick 'The Princess Bride'. I've watched it possibly 20+ time and I think I know every line in that movie yet it still makes me laugh, still makes any day better.

Now lets see if I'll actually manage to do the whole thirty days. *laughs*

and finally:


Name a character from one of my fandoms (just pick a fandom, any fandom, heck, pick multiple ones! If I truly don't know them you can pick more) and I'll give you one (or more) of the following:

(a) three facts about them from my personal canon/fanon
(b) a reason he/she sucks
(c) a reason he/she is awesomecakes
(d) five things that never happened to that character and/or
(e) five people that character never fell in love with and why

music, meme

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