Jan 08, 2010 16:48
Please Don't Come Back From the Moon, Bakapolous
Selected Stories from the Southern Review 65-85
Generation Kill, Wright
This One Is Mine, Semple
Sing Them Home, Kallos
Everyone Is Beautiful, Center
Eat, Drink and Be From Mississippi, Kincaid
Do Cats Hear With Their Feet?, Page
A Country Called Home, Barnes
Dewey, Myron
The Art of Racing in the Rain, Stein
As Hot As It Was You Ought to Thank Me, Kincaid
Crazy Love, Steiner
Pledged, Robbins
Bless Your Heart, Tramp, Rivenbark
The Soul of Autism, Stillman
We're Just Like You, Only Prettier, Rivenbark
Twilight, Meyer
As I Lay Dying, Faulkner
The Liar's Club, Karr
New Moon, Meyer
Eclipse, Meyer
Breaking Dawn, Meyer
Downtown Owl, Klosterman
Verbena, Kincaid
Coal Run, O'Dell
The River Wife, Agee
Adelaide Piper, Hart
Back Roads, O'Dell
Massachusetts, California, Timbuktu, Rosenfeld
Crazy in Alabama, Childress
Towns Without Rivers, Parker
The Wettest County in The World, Bondurant
Interview with the Vampire, Rice
Sister Mine, O'Dell
Life with Strings Attached, Lamberth
White Oleander, Fitch
Half-broke Horses, Walls
Leaves of Grass, Whitman
Band of Sisters, Holmstedt
The Alchemist, Coelho
New Moon, Meyer
Monster, Peretti
Beowulf, Heaney