Jul 05, 2004 12:38
hmmm yesterday was independence dayyy although the united states sucks ass die to bush and gayass politics. well i woke up and i got ready and whatnot. billy, andrew, and that zach kid came over to get some firecrackers and bottle rockets from me again. they started shootin them off at my house when the neighbors already hate me. damn its only been 2 years since i lived here. so they got yelled at. then i was yellin at them to leave. so yeah, took about 10-15 mins for them to actually leave cuz i was walking to go get my axe =) hmm then caren got here and we walked around and found billy and andrew again. then they had to go. so we went back home. then they came back to my house. walked again. both the guys were shooting bottle rockets at us, mostly caren. then billy put one in a mailbox in front of these people and they got all pissed. we continued to walk untill my father figure called and told us to come back home cuz he had a stash of fireworks and shit. ofcourse, they wanted to take the shortcut threw the bushes/woods and whatnot and i had a rude awakening with the thorns in there... we got back home. shot off some shit. the guy across the street who wont talk walked by..again. then a cop came to our house cuz of what billy did with the mail box. that kid has 4 or 5 field cards now. haha i feel sorry for him. the cop was talkin to him for a long time, then drove off with him. then we went inside and i got hyper as fuck for i duno why. i can make a metal voice!!!!! then my brotehr came home with a broken toe poor guy. hmm okay me n caren are gunna go get ready byeee