You post-millenium cock-bastard!... ?

Aug 24, 2003 23:35

As I mentioned earlier, I found my old deadjournal was still up and running on the site.
Reading through a lot of those entries was very strange. I noticed that with that journal, I was much more thoughtful, insightful, open and I delved inside myself a lot more than I do on this one. And I guess it's because back then, I had just discovered the world of online journals, I didn't have many journal friends, so really I was writing just for myself. I have about 2oo friends on Livejournal, which makes it kind of frightening to actually write solely for yourself. No, I don't write for an audience perse, but I guess I kind of do cater my writing style to the fact that I have a bit of an audience.

I was also alone a lot back then, giving me more time to think. I had a lot going on in my life, especially emotionally. That led me to write a lot of very insightful poetry, and just really tear into my heart on that journal. Reading over my old entries brought back all those feelings - not as much as reading my old poetry did - and it was just very revealing. These days, I am living with someone else, so I'm not really alone much. I also don't have much emotional drama going on (thankfully) so there isn't a lot for me to be pensive about, internally. Believe me, I'm not complaining about not being alone! Back then, being alone so much caused me to think for hours, and thinking led to depressed feelings and drinking a LOT of wine and downing quite a few pills. :/ Being alone too much is bad. So I'm thankful that I'm not alone anymore. I get sufficient alone time anyways. Ryan works a lot, and sometimes when we're both home, we do our seperate things... he'll play a computer game and I'll watch tv downstairs if no one else is home.

I'm just surprised that my thought patterns have changed so much. For the better. But does being happy lead to being boring? It shouldn't. I don't think the fact that I'm happy is what makes me feel like I'm boring. It's because there isn't really much to do around here that interests me, so I don't really find it in myself to go out much. I work, yes, and I'll visit friends - mine and Ryan's - from time to time, sometimes go to a bar or restaurant, or we'll go shopping or something. But I'm not a mallrat or a 'every night I have to go to a different bar or club because it makes me cool' kind of a person. And I don't really care to go out every single day. I'm happy just to read or draw or organize things, whatever.


Today I've been looking through Ryan's mom's Canadian Living magazines, trying to find good recipes and copying them down. I found a bunch of really great chicken recipes (me and Ryan are both huge chicken freaks so we eat it quite a bit), like Maple Almond Chicken, Ginger Steamed Chicken and Rice, Honey Dijon Chicken Thighs, Chicken and Melon Salad with Orange Basil Dressing, Crispy Peanut Chicken, Ginger Teriyaki Glaze, Vietnamese Chicken Mango and Mint Stir Fry, Chinese Lemon Honey Chicken, Thai Grilled Chicken, Italian Roast Chicken and Potatoes with White Wine and Sage (can you tell I love Oriental inspired food?), and a few other neat ones, like some crab recipes and a good one for yummy looking spicy burgers. Of course, Ryan will be my test subject when I experiment with all of these. I'm sure he'll be real broken up about having to eat all this delicious food, yes of course.

And some of YOU people will have to be subject to my cooking skillz too, when I have some get togethers at our apartment when we move. The first one will be our housewarming, which will be in November, so get ready to ciao down and bring some good music. :)

Oh, edited to add: I'm also trying to compile a notebook full of cocktail recipes! Anyone who has some good ones, feel free to comment and tell me 'em! My poisons: Gin, vanilla vodka/schnapps, coconut rum, raspberry rum, goldschlager, Rum, vodka w/ almost any kind of juice, brandy, cointreau, etc. I want recipes for fruity martinis and slushy drinks, and weird coloured drinks... just fun stuff like that.

We went to my house on Saturday morning to pick up my mail and some extra shit from my house like my acoustic guitar (I finally have my baby back!!! <3), a waste bin, this book on cats for Dee that I said I'd give her, etc. Ryan let me drive his mom's car on the backroads, which shocked me, because he always jokes about how he never wants to be in the car when I'm behind the wheel, but I have always told him I'm a really good driver. So I drove the car for awhile but I was nervous because it naturally coasts to the right. :/

I got my school schedule in the mail, and here's my lineup of classes:

8:oo am = Human Relations

9:3o am = Keyboarding
11:oo am = Document Processing
3:oo pm = Administrative Procedures

9:3o am = Communications
3:oo pm = some weird thing I can't understand on this sheet, I'll have to find out later

9:3o am = Keyboarding
3:oo pm = Document Processing

9:3o am = Administrative Procedures
12:3o pm = Communications
2:oo pm = Document Processing

Wow, I'm going to have a lot of time to kill on some days (ie. Thursday). HELLLOOOOO COLLEGE GYM! I'll just have to leave some sweats in my locker so I can workout on those days. Beautiful! And then go have a beer at the pub, and head to class.

Sorry, I'm just really excited to go back to school. I haven't been in school for two years (unless you count the two months I went last year,... I don't) so I'm kind of dying for some kind of a routine here.... and I hate not learning. It feels like being out of school for two years has diminished my intelligence (which I'm sure it hasn't, but it sure feels like it). I feel like Lisa (Simpson) did when the teachers went on strike... "OH NO I'M LOSING MY PERSPICACITY!!!"

I'll perspicate YOU! *shakes fist*

Oh, P.s. thanks to digikitten for this:

Are you CHEEKY!?
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