Dec 17, 2005 12:20
So...I definitely need practive putting up Christmas lights. I spent an hour creating what I can only describe as an abhorrant mass of jumbled wire and lights. And I'm pretty sure Santa isn't supposed to be half-deflated and wearing a Christmas light noose...but considering I'm mostly frozen right now, I don't care what people think. Consider the effort you bastards...THE EFFORT! Who cares if it's a fire hazard? So what if it'll destroy Christmas for the younger people? It has to happen sooner or later! >.< it a bad sign when I begin feeling nauseous after spending only an hour outside doing relatively minor work...?
So I've been having really weird dreams lately. That's not really the problem, of course. What's odd is that, for the first time in a really long time, I'm remembering specifics of these dreams...and man, do I wish that I didn't remember those things. ^.^;;
Considering how long it's been since I've even remembered one dream...and to all of a sudden remember specifics of dreams I've had each night for almost a week now makes me wonder...I'm probably overreacting, as usual, but I can't help but dislike the fact, is all.
Oh, wait...what's wrong with me...I forgot my usual angsty spurt of silly nosense.
*ahem* Bah, humbug! Hate hate hate! Angst, whine, moan! Banana bread!