Nov 20, 2007 16:09
Lately I have been missing the friendships that once were so important.
There are these shit categories of friendships now.
1. The great friends that will always be in my life and I can count on always.
2. The quite good friends that I hear from occasionally and see out here and there and its nice to catch up with.
3. The acquaintances that I exchange pleasantries with while I’m out, but don’t really share much with.
4. Then there is the worst kind of “category” … the faded friends who I used to spend my weekends with and share “in” jokes with.
They are no longer around. No more calls or messages. We don’t talk or organise anything together. No more concerts, drinks, shopping trips, coffee, swims, poker, late night walks and talks... etc.
There doesn’t seem to be a way to fix it …or change it.
It’s as simple; people change and we busy ourselves with other things.
I guess just seeing someone (pete) who has incredible friends that he has known forever makes me slightly jealous and sad; that I no longer have that.
The people I knew in high school have changed so much and are too busy to do things anymore and the people i have met in other random ways just dont seem to be in my life anymore... we grew apart and took different roads.
I don’t walk down the street and bump into people I went to school with or people I met randomly at shows anymore. It’s as though- those days are well and truly finished.
i miss so many things right now. grrr.
fucked lj entry finished!