a new fest / Aww yiss, claimed a prompt for
merlin_sexstars! Day made. I'm going to have a lot of fun with this one. ♥ Technically I signed up to do fic for it, but if I have the time, I'll work on both art and fic.
fills / As long as work doesn't get too crazy, I'll be able to dedicate enough time to working on this and my other WIPs and KMM fills I really need
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1. Tony poking Bruce with the screwdriver, just to see what would happen. The look on his face when he leans in closer to see? Priceless.
2. The scene between Natasha and Cap where she says they need someone up on the tower, and he doesn't argue, just gives her a boost. No, there are not enough women in this film, but DAMN, the ones we get rock.
3. Cap's "Hulk? Smash." I squeed out loud. Glorious fan service, and totally in-character. The best kind.
4. Clint's plaintive "Natasha?" before she knocks him out, which feels like a world of character history in one word. That whole fight scene is one I can just watch over and over and over.
5. That circling shot of the six of them. I'm all about the TEAM, baby, and knowing Whedon, he chose a circle shot on purpose. Not only because it looks cool, but because it puts them all on an equal footing. LOVE. IT.
*cough* Er. Well. You did ask ;)
Heh, yes, I understand the relief of getting to little stories once the monster is done. A person needs both snacks and epic banquets in their life :) Sounds like you've got fun times ahead!
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