(no subject)

Jun 20, 2007 16:46

If you have made the effort to come onto this page, more pity you. But if you have, take the trouble to read a bit more and expand your mind's eye perhaps. I wrote this today in my zoned out phase after a rocky night, and it's basically one of vast quantities of things floating around my head. Welcome to the dark side. The further you are from them, the closer you are to me. If you understand it, you're clinically insane, allegedly. But in this day and age...that's a blessing. It beats the robots around us. I call it "Laws Of Life". Enjoy.

In the beginning you are born. No God blesses your unholy and frankly sickening voyage. You arrive - blind, deaf, dumb, devoid of the words to spare you from menial existence. You begin. Taught by many who do not know the finer, more intricate lines of a complex balance between sanity, insanity and those who recognise that each is more contradictory and meaningless as the last. You are taught how to live your life, how to adhere to socially acceptable standards. Your abilities are measured on your contemporaries around you. If you are not gifted, you are stupid. A ridiculous rule, but one that is seemingly followed for some inane reason. Your parents would bless you by placing you in a home for the mentally retarded, for you will always be the best there, not to mention you will end up that way if you consistently adhere to common politics and ways of life for your duration on this corrupt and dying world. This decadent regime is ever in-place. Its only other manatory requirement is that you are in the majority, for the minority must be wrong in all instances, in accordance with the unwritten laws of society. The logic of popular against unpopular becomes non-existent in discussion; it becomes fascism. For the logical ones are those who follow their own path and it is wise to not play games with those who play them better than you. So you bombard those with any actual talent until they shelter from the storm and contemplate conforming for you have not the strenth to withstand such onslaught as a youth. You then complete your minor education, and at the tender age of 11, you set off to "find yourself" at another school and begin life - again. This time it is not your parents who teach you the ways of life, but your teachers. These overpaid moguls of the staff-room, who could care for little more than their pay cheques, are ghoulish supervisors of your futile existence for the next 5 years. Their knowledge is not your gain, but more their smugness and their financial gain. Your failing only appeases them. Yet still your parents maintain "it's better than when we were children" and how "it'll benefit you in the end". Of course it's better than when you were children; we're some thirty years on. Times have changed. Get a grip. Doesn't make it better learning though. In fact, it's reversed. The more there is to teach, the less ability and determination are present for this entourage to commence. Yet "back in the day" there were lesser subjects to learn, but they were learnt well with iron fist. Since when did parents become fortune tellers though? "It'll benefit you in the end", indeed. Certainly "education" in the more common definition of the word will aid your financial passage through life, but it will not aid your existence and being. Money is money. You are you. Seperate entities entirely. So, you complete this meager "education" as they see fit. I find it demeaning to call someone "educated" just because you have learnt what the system dictates that you should. An education is devoid of boundary, devoid of anything other than your pure willpower to do so. Education is not money and a piece of paper. But after this trivial bullshit is completed, it gets even better! You are then expected to waste a further 2-9 years in this "education". Oh yes, doesn't that sound fun? You spend 11 years of your first 16 years on earth being taught shit by people who don't know you properly. You can see why things go so wrong so fast. So now you must have more education to gain more money and be a "better" person. I am not sure how this process works; money seems to be the window on the soul, somehow. The more of it you have, the more you are adored and admired. It's honestly nauseating how ridiculous this concept is. You work and you work and you work to earn more of this cursed paper, paper you're slaved to until you die. On average, you're expected to potentially work until you're 24 years old, learning the ways of the other robots, for that is indeed what you become - robots. You spend the best years of your life getting into debt, wasting your time, all in favour of paper. But now the Government shows its wily hide, for it presents you an option of learning. The comical value of this statement alone commands utter hilarity unto death. This "option" entails you getting a higher education and more money or dropping out and being a social misfit for the rest of your miserable existence. A fine "option" indeed, fair Politicians. Truly, it is no great wonder our barracks are stocked to the maximum every semester. So you then are granted supposed slight control of your existence, at 24. That alone is shocking. But it gets even better. After you find this "wonderful dream job" which the common man talks over with comrades over a polluted room of ale and smoke, you soon discover that it's just as monotonous as the job you would have had at 16, only with less people to control you. And yet despite this, the irony remains that you're still reporting to people, you're still not good enough, and your dependance is twice as high even if twice as less in quantity. So after your years of toil, you are still nobody in nowhere with no control of your life and the inevitable drawing nearer. So you begin to plan for this. The idea alone is farcical; as if the monetary concept will spare the reaper from your door for a minute longer. But there you have it; your beloved pension in place. As you draw near that angelic age of retirement, you begin to foam and drool at the mouth. Finally freedom! You can look after your family now, whilst you are their boss, ruining their lives. On that blessed day of freedom at last, you raise your arms to the heavens, thank the Lord before keeling over, never to move again. Such is the ways of life. Yet how could this ending be? It was not written in any contract or test paper you ever viewed. Perhaps it actually really is...nature's world...and not ours. Or maybe I'm just "insane". Disbelieve me! If you made it this far in reading alone, I am impressed, I don't expect most of you to have the comprehension to grasp my points here. Make no mistake though - we are visitors here, whatever you believe at whatever time. No matter your robotic comrades or banks full of money, you will still be lay next to me at somepoint in your life. Does that comfort you? "All the money you make will never buy back your soul" - Bob Dylan. Think about it.

I will give you a little advice here, for if you have understood what I am saying, you can understand a little more. Live your life your way; no other way. Ensure your children and relatives do the same as best you can. Try not to infringe on the existence of others unless they request your aid. Speak your mind if asked a question, never hold back on what you think. Always present an opinion, not a fact. Care for what you love with great respect and gentle approach, as if it were porcelain. Disregard what is not yours and what is not important to you; someone else will love this. We are not here to love. Humanity was not forged on love, it was forged on war. Man's nature is to kill. We are beasts, we are wolves. Remember your heritage. Remember who put you here. Never, ever back down from what you believe, no matter who the enemy. For if you can do this, you are truly never alone in life. Trust in yourself until mankind finds itself once more, if not too late, for you're the only reliable one anymore. Others will lie and try to corrupt you with honeyed words. Your mind is good enough to handle itself, so let it do so and forget this laziness in life. We are born as Gods - it's time you appreciated this and utilised what is actually before you. Lastly, be sure to take to your death what you should have gained throughout life if you live it your way and not theirs - the sack full of nothing to lose.

I do not guarentee a fulfilled life from my rambling. I do not guarentee a future. I do not guarentee a funeral where many will attend. I do not guarentee popularity. I do not guarentee the "perfect" life. What I do guarentee is that if you follow this, you will live your own life, and enjoy it in your own way. Nothing else really matters. Die in your own way, and let others die in theirs. We still lie in the same cavern after death, regardless of money or popularity. Welcome to life, home of the fickle contradictors.

Be on your guard - there are older, craftier and fouler creatures than Dinosaurs and Dragons existing on earth, and most of which are within your grasp.


Ian M.
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