It's been a long time since I've written here. I've been kind of down lately, not really much to say. Sucks living in a room with a fucking mattress and computer and absotulety no furniture.
Just took the most ignorant love test ever. Look at the questions, so childish and just because my favorite color isn't red (the color of this so called love) or because I didn't cry during Titanic, I don't know shit about dating nor love. How dumb...
How Love-Smart are you?
Jessica Simpson's Double!
When it comes to love you have no idea what you're doing. But don't despair learning the "love ropes" can be heaps of fun. Why not broaden your love circle and start dating more. Remember practice makes perfect.
How Love-Smart are you? Weekends suck. People suck. Everybody's so fake. Everybody wants to be popular, go clubbing and partying every week, and shop at Hollister because all their friends do it. It all just fucking pisses me off. Reggaeton pisses me off. Most of that fake rap pisses me off. Gucci and Coach purses piss me off. Clubs piss me off. Pink "night gowns" piss me off. And Bush got reelected. You can say I'm mad at the world, but I just try to avoid the cool crew.
Anyone have a drumset they want to sell? I'm in need of one.