Oct 20, 2005 21:32
As most of you know, the last two brigade shows are winding closer and closer. The dates for these two amazing shows are November 5th and November 6th at the VFW. If you need directions, make a comment and I'll get them to you. Attendance to these shows mean more to me than alot of things. When it comes to this band, I feel that I pretty much poured my heart into some of these songs, and the best way to express them is live. And this will be the last time. Guitar is what I do. Music will be the rest of my life, so this show means alot. This will also tell me about most of you. If you guys miss this show, and I ask you why, and you say you never heard about the shows, thats BS b/c I talk about them at school, and im talking about them now.
if you are going, you NEED to talk to mark allen and give him your name and what day you are going.
AIM: McheeseDog
Do this or I will hate you. I'm not even kidding around.