Eternity, Love, and the Mystery

Apr 12, 2020 15:01

The most profound Mystery that Odin sought was Heart-Wisdom, or Love. He hung for Nine Nights on the Tree (related to 'True', or that which is 'Eternal', this is also related to 'Druid', and is the central Mystery of 'Drycraeft', or the knowledge of Trees as Cosmic Truths which merge in 'Koad' or 'The Grove', see 'The Battle of the Trees' as told in The White Goddess by Robert Graves) to take up RUNA, who then drank the Waters of Heart-Wisdom or Love, as Minni, Muninn, and Mimir translate into 'Heart', 'Memory', 'Imagination', 'Love' and 'Wisdom'. Indeed, it was Love that moved Him to Seek the Mystery, just as Freya sought Od(inn), or the Inspired and Inspiring Spirit. - Michael Rayborn
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