The Common Flu

Mar 24, 2020 17:39

"As you can see below, the common flue has a small percentage of deaths per inflicted person, as does the "coronavirus", and even the appearance of the flue virus is the same, notice the outer tendrals or "corona" that emanates from a spherical core, there is no remarkable difference, indeed, it is just that, a flue virus. So we have all of these unnecessary shut down over a problem that can be treated by sanitation, naturopathic medicine, and / or hospitalization. The great doctor Hypocrites of ancient Greece said "Let your food be your medicine and your medicine be your food", indeed, as many naturopathic remedies are also found in our food, or are also foods. V-C is found in oranges or a fruit salad, zinc and copper is in your Mocha, garlic and ginger laiden cuisines, such as those found in Italian and even (gasp!) Chinese food, and vitamin / mineral rich pate (any liver will do) or hummas which is also rich in vitamin and minerals, as well as garlic, and is best served with vitamin and mineral rich bread as well as vegetables. Likewise those who are involved in weight training and athletics such as martial arts (as I do) enjoy Meal Replacement drinks which are not only enriched by vitamins and minerals but are also enhanced by fruits and vegetables, adding an extra blast of Vitamin C, or in the case of chocolate shakes, immunity enhancing minerals such as copper and zinc. A healthy life style is a buffer against any disease. Fight the Coronavirus with Wisdom, not with Hatred and Paranoia, especially Racism (such as the unfair if not insane attacks against Chinese Americans) and over reacting by shutting down buildings that can fight these problems with simple measures such as sanitation. Indeed, it is said that Wisdom is the Highest Good, and is often symbolized by the Sun, it's Corona are Rays that represent all of the Virtues known to Mankind. This very virus has reminded us of many problems concerning Humanity, as Hatred or Hati is the Destroyer of the Sun in the Norse Mythos, a Chylde of Fenrir, the very force that is the Foe of Odin, one of whose names is Gaut, the Origin of God. So the 'Virus of the Spirit' is in reality Evil, the source of Hatred and Paranoia, which fuels Racism and many other ills, and according to Buddhist instruction, is a Source of Dis-ease. In ancient Greek Mythology disease was symbolized as the Dragon Python, who was slain by the Golden Sword of Apollo, and was indeed the God of the Sun, as well as of Medicine and Music. He was also a Masterful Swordsman who struck with surgical precision as well as had legendary wrestling ability, as he grappled Herakles who attempted to seize his tripod. Though Apollo was Good towards Herackles as the Demigod was guided by Apollo through the 7 Labours. The God Woden slew a Dragon as a symbol of Dis-ease in The Nine Herbs Charm, a Good-Being of a Wizardly appearance, it was said that Woden gave an Eye to drink the Waters of Heart-Wisdom, and possessed vast Powers of Healing. So as there is the Coronavirus that attacks the body, we see another dimension, the Presence of Hatred is going Viral, and as the Sun gives us Light so that we can See, we must not let Hatred blind Humanity with Hatred and Terror that can arise in an epidemic." - Michael Rayborn

"Influenza spreads around the world in yearly outbreaks, resulting in about three to five million cases of severe illness and about 290,000 to 650,000 deaths.[1][4] About 20% of unvaccinated children and 10% of unvaccinated adults are infected each year.[14] In the northern and southern parts of the world, outbreaks occur mainly in the winter, while around the equator, outbreaks may occur at any time of the year.[1] Death occurs mostly in high risk groups-the young, the old, and those with other health problems.[1] Larger outbreaks known as pandemics are less frequent.[2] In the 20th century, three influenza pandemics occurred: Spanish influenza in 1918 (17-100 million deaths), Asian influenza in 1957 (two million deaths), and Hong Kong influenza in 1968 (one million deaths).[15][16][17] The World Health Organization declared an outbreak of a new type of influenza A/H1N1 to be a pandemic in June 2009.[18] Influenza may also affect other animals, including pigs, horses, and birds." - wikipedia
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