Jun 10, 2011 00:27
HI let's start I guess? :T I'm Eely, playing this dude here. This dude being Gino, originally from the second season of the Code Geass anime series before I got my AU fingerprints all over him. He's seventeen, pre' damn tall, pre' damn posh, and is an ex-RAF pilot in DW for homicide and terrorism. He's only guilty of one of those! He has a serious tendency to drape all over people he likes, so if you're not comfortable with him touching your character, let me know and I'll steer around it.
*ps: he has stupid braids. Look at them. They make no sense at all. Where do they even come from, the hair at the very back of his neck?
If you want to get in touch with me, my contact info is on his journal! Leave a comment there, or grab me on plurk or AIM. dC: